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education sequoia union high school district
education sequoia union high school district
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education sequoia union high school district
Ruben Avelar Collection
Artifacts donated by Ruben Avelar, an East Palo Alto resident and founder of the Raices de Mexico...
Wear Your Pride Clothing Collection
T-shirts, sweatshirts, and other apparel items created by the City of East Palo Alto and local no...
East Palo Alto General Plans
A collection of EPA City General Plans. A general plan includes the following elements: land use,...
Early Townships Timeline Collection (1850-1935)
Selections from the collection related to the early townships of Ravenswood, Runnymede, and the C...
Nairobi Movement Timeline Collection (1960-1979)
Selections from the collection related to the social, cultural, and political activism of the Nai...
Barbara Noparstak Collection
Artifacts donated by devoted East Palo Alto community member Barbara Noparstak.
The Ohlone Nation Timeline Collection (1000BC-present)
Selections from the collection related to the Ohlone Nation; the city of East Palo Alto exists on...
Duane Bay Collection
Artifacts donated by former East Palo Alto mayor and city councilmember Duane Bay. Mr. Bay has be...
Incorporation of East Palo Alto Timeline Collection (1980 - 1994)
Selections from the Archive related to the efforts to incorporate East Palo Alto, including the E...
Community Revitalization Timeline Collection (1995-2010)
Selections from the collection related to community economic development such as the Ravenswood 1...
Sharifa Wilson Collection
Artifacts contributed by East Palo Alto resident, former Mayor, and East Palo Alto Community Arch...
Meda O Okelo Collection
Artifacts contributed by longtime East Palo Alto resident, Meda Okelo, that focus on community ce...
Community Preservation & Transformation Timeline Collection (2011-present)
Selections from the collection related to the effects of gentrification and influx of the tech in...
People of EPA Video Collection
Videos from the #PeopleofEPA documentary video series produced for the EPA Community Archive.
Raices de Mexico Collection
Photographs, programs, and organizational artifacts donated by and related to Raices de Mexico, a...
Barbara Mouton Collection
Artifacts compiled by Barbara Mouton throughout her time as East Palo Alto's Mayor and City Counc...
East Palo Alto City Budget Collection
A collection of East Palo Alto City budget documents and articles about the City's budget.
Dr Syrtiller Kabat Collection
A collection of artifacts donated by educator, activist, and former East Palo Alto resident Dr. S...
Estela Guerrero Collection
A collection of artifacts contributed by East Palo Alto resident and Ravenswood High School Alumn...
Dr Omowale Satterwhite Collection
Artifacts donated by and documenting the long career of Dr. Omowale Satterwhite. Dr. Satterwhite ...
Nairobi College Collection
Artifacts documenting the history, events, and legacy of Nairobi College and the Nairobi Alumni A...
East Palo Alto Library Collection
Photographs and artifacts produced or donated by the East Palo Alto Library, documenting its hist...
William Byron Webster Collection
Artifacts donated by East Palo Alto resident and long-term activist. His collection is eclectic b...
Ravenswood City School District Collection
Artifacts produced by or contributed by the Ravenswood City School District.
Ravenswood High School Collection
Artifacts documenting the history of Ravenswood High School before its closure in 1976. These pho...
The East Palo Alto Progress Collection
Published issues of the local East Palo Alto Progress newspaper.
Post-Depression Period Timeline Collection (1936-1959)
Selections from the collection related to agriculture and farming traditions in East Palo Alto, t...
EPACA Oral History Collection
Oral history interviews conducted by volunteers of the East Palo Alto Community Archive to captur...
Artifacts related to
education sequoia union high school district
Budget Crisis Looms in Teacher Contract Talks - The Daily News
Article about negotiations between the teachers union and Sequoia Union High School District amid large budget cuts.
Location of Charter School Still a Mystery - The Daily News
Article about the opening of Everest Public High School and the debate over its location in Redwood City or East Palo Alto; the school preferred a Redwood...
Palo Alto Shuts Classroom Doors, Except to Residents - San Jose Mercury News
Article about attempts for EPA parents to send their children to Palo Alto High School because of the higher quality of education. Includes comments from...
Reynolds Wants a School Closed Next Year - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about Superintendent Harry Reynolds stating his intention to recommend the closure of one school in the Sequoia Union High School District. Mentions...
Tinsley settlement asks for too little action on school integration - and at too slow a pace - Palo Altan
Editorial about the Tinsley settlement that calls for the bussing of Ravenswood school district students to schools in Palo Alto, Menlo Park, and other...
Youth Development Center Meetings with Sequoia Union School District
Photographs of Youth Development Center meetings with Sequoia School District. Photographs feature Bob Hoover, Ruben Avelar, members of the Sequoia School...
Benign Intentions: The Magnet School at Ravenswood High
Paper on the magnet school at Ravenswood High School, presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in San Francisco,...
Legal Brief on behalf of the Certified Members of the Black Educators of Sequoia Union High School District
Legal Brief on behalf of the Certified Members of the Black Educators of Sequoia Union High School District. Includes the factual background information on...
Ravenswood High School and De Facto Segregation in the Sequoia Union High School District - May 1955 to April 1966
Written history of de facto segregation and associated anti-segregation political efforts from 1955 to 1966 at Ravenswood High School and the Sequoia Union...
Tinsley Kids to be Studied - Palo Alto Weekly
Article about the Palo Alto School District conducting an in-depth study looking at the 422 EPA students who participated in the Tinsley voluntary transfer...
Ravenswood Post Vol. 22, No. 25
Issue of the Ravenswood Post with articles about Nairobi schools, an OICW luncheon honoring EPA Councilman Clarence Jackson, a lawsuit filed against the...
Article in Metro about Ruben Avelar's Work with EPA Teens
Article in Metro Newspaper about EPA resident Ruben Avelar's work with local teens. Includes stories from local teens who are bussed to high schools outside...
Her Concern: Black People, Her Goal: Social Change - Palo Alto Times
Profile of Gertrude Wilks' daughter, Patricia Wilks. Patricia attended her mother's Nairobi Schools and participated in the "sneak out," which enabled EPA...
Henry Organ Working at Stanford - Palo Alto Times
Article about EPA resident Henry "Hank" Organ becoming an administrative staff trainee at Stanford University. Organ was the first black trustee of the...
East of Bayshore Section from The Peninsula Bulletin Vol 8, No 25
Articles related to EPA from The Peninsula Bulletin including an article on EPA graduates from Canada College in Redwood City, a profile of Lt. Ronald...
Agreement to Convey Real Property (Ravenswood High School Site) to the City of East Palo Alto
Full agreement to convey the Ravenswood High School Site from the Sequoia Union High School District to the City of East Palo Alto facilitated by the County...
East of Bayshore Section from The Peninsula Bulletin Vol 7, No 13
Articles from the East of Bayshore Section covering the Community Music School and Director James Samuels, events to celebrate Black History Week throughout...
Gene Tate Interview
Interview of Gene Tate by Jesse Norfleet about Ravenswood High School. Topics include: being part of the first freshman class, what makes Ravenswood High...
Ravenswood High School and the Struggle for Racial Justice in the Sequoia Union High School District - A Dissertation
Full text of Robert Lowe's PhD dissertation on the desegregation of Sequoia Union High School District and Ravenswood High School submitted to Stanford...
East Palo Alto Section of Palo Alto Times
East Palo Alto section of Palo Alto Times with two short articles: one on a dispute about housing possibly being built on the Ravenswood High site and...
East Palo Alto OKs Price for School Site - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about city approval to pay the Sequoia Union High School District for the Ravenswood High School site.
The EPA Progress, Vol. 1 No. 3
An issue of The EPA Progress that covers rent control, the fate of Ravenswood High School, cCAIN Lawsuit being overturned, the City Council Candidates, local...
The Peninsula Gazette - Vol. 2, No. 33
Issue of The Peninsula Gazette with articles about the annual open house of the Ravenswood Parents' Cooperative Nursery School, a meeting of the Welfare...
Henry "Hank" Organ Interview
Interview of Henry "Hank" Organ by Meda Okelo. Topics include: moving to East Palo Alto, living at Light Tree Apartments, early thoughts of incorporation,...
Jennifer Jackson Interview
Interview of Jennifer Jackson by Meda Okelo. Topics discussed include crime in EPA, anti-drug activism and United Mothers Against Drugs (UMAD), Nairobi...
Thomas Dailey Interview
Interview of Thomas Dailey by Meda Okelo. Topics discussed include Dailey's journey to EPA, attending Green Oaks and Ravenswood High School, white flight and...
Martha Hanks Interview
Interview of Martha Hanks by Meda Okelo. Topics include how she arrived in East Palo Alto; her education at Kavanaugh, Green Oaks and Ravenswood High School;...
East of Bayshore Section from The Peninsula Bulletin Vol 6, No 39
The East of Bayshore section from The Peninsula Bulletin. Includes articles about Ravenswood High School requesting an ROTC program, free child health...
Nate Branch Interview
Interview of Nate Branch by Sharifa Wilson. Topics discussed include Branch's journey to EPA; attending Kavanaugh School, Green Oaks Academy and Ravenswood...
Letter from Mayor Mouton from December 1985 CityConnection
Letter insert from Mayor Barbara Mouton with an appeal to donate to the Ravenswood High School Site Acquisition Fund, updates on the newest members of the...
Isaac Stevenson, Jr Interview
Interview of Isaac Stevenson, Jr by Sharifa Wilson. Topics include: moving to EPA when he was five years old, community changes, attending EPA Rec Center,...
East Side Story - Palo Alto Weekly
Front page article about EPA and Stanford actors performing two one-act plays - "Circle in the Dirt" and "Dancing on the Brink" - at the Cesar Chavez Academy...
Anthony Cortez Interview
Interview of Anthony Cortez by Ruben Avelar. Topics discussed include Cortez growing up in EPA, being Filipino in EPA, small business owner, father migration...
The Peninsula Gazette - Vol. 11, No. 9
Full issue of The Peninsula Gazette with coverage of Bob Hoover, Syrtiller Kabat, and James Wilmore entering the Ravenswood City School District election,...
Lola M. Clewis Interview
Interview of Lola M. Clewis by Meda Okelo. Topics discussed include Clewis coming to East Palo Alto at age 9; attending Belle Haven, Willow Oaks and...
Donna & Joe Rutherford Interview
Interview of Donna and Joe Rutherford by Jesse Norfleet. Topics discussed in the Donna Rutherford portion of the video include her journey to EPA, political...
Ravenswood Post - March 1986 Issue
This issue of the Ravenswood Post covers Measure A, City Council candidate forum, disinvestment in EPA including banks leaving EPA, and development ideas...
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