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Collections related to
Ruben Avelar Collection
Artifacts donated by Ruben Avelar, an East Palo Alto resident and founder of the Raices de Mexico...
Wear Your Pride Clothing Collection
T-shirts, sweatshirts, and other apparel items created by the City of East Palo Alto and local no...
East Palo Alto General Plans
A collection of EPA City General Plans. A general plan includes the following elements: land use,...
Early Townships Timeline Collection (1850-1935)
Selections from the collection related to the early townships of Ravenswood, Runnymede, and the C...
Nairobi Movement Timeline Collection (1960-1979)
Selections from the collection related to the social, cultural, and political activism of the Nai...
Barbara Noparstak Collection
Artifacts donated by devoted East Palo Alto community member Barbara Noparstak.
The Ohlone Nation Timeline Collection (1000BC-present)
Selections from the collection related to the Ohlone Nation; the city of East Palo Alto exists on...
Duane Bay Collection
Artifacts donated by former East Palo Alto mayor and city councilmember Duane Bay. Mr. Bay has be...
Incorporation of East Palo Alto Timeline Collection (1980 - 1994)
Selections from the Archive related to the efforts to incorporate East Palo Alto, including the E...
Community Revitalization Timeline Collection (1995-2010)
Selections from the collection related to community economic development such as the Ravenswood 1...
Sharifa Wilson Collection
Artifacts contributed by East Palo Alto resident, former Mayor, and East Palo Alto Community Arch...
Meda O Okelo Collection
Artifacts contributed by longtime East Palo Alto resident, Meda Okelo, that focus on community ce...
Community Preservation & Transformation Timeline Collection (2011-present)
Selections from the collection related to the effects of gentrification and influx of the tech in...
People of EPA Video Collection
Videos from the #PeopleofEPA documentary video series produced for the EPA Community Archive.
Raices de Mexico Collection
Photographs, programs, and organizational artifacts donated by and related to Raices de Mexico, a...
Barbara Mouton Collection
Artifacts compiled by Barbara Mouton throughout her time as East Palo Alto's Mayor and City Counc...
East Palo Alto City Budget Collection
A collection of East Palo Alto City budget documents and articles about the City's budget.
Dr Syrtiller Kabat Collection
A collection of artifacts donated by educator, activist, and former East Palo Alto resident Dr. S...
Estela Guerrero Collection
A collection of artifacts contributed by East Palo Alto resident and Ravenswood High School Alumn...
Dr Omowale Satterwhite Collection
Artifacts donated by and documenting the long career of Dr. Omowale Satterwhite. Dr. Satterwhite ...
Nairobi College Collection
Artifacts documenting the history, events, and legacy of Nairobi College and the Nairobi Alumni A...
East Palo Alto Library Collection
Photographs and artifacts produced or donated by the East Palo Alto Library, documenting its hist...
William Byron Webster Collection
Artifacts donated by East Palo Alto resident and long-term activist. His collection is eclectic b...
Ravenswood City School District Collection
Artifacts produced by or contributed by the Ravenswood City School District.
Ravenswood High School Collection
Artifacts documenting the history of Ravenswood High School before its closure in 1976. These pho...
The East Palo Alto Progress Collection
Published issues of the local East Palo Alto Progress newspaper.
Post-Depression Period Timeline Collection (1936-1959)
Selections from the collection related to agriculture and farming traditions in East Palo Alto, t...
EPACA Oral History Collection
Oral history interviews conducted by volunteers of the East Palo Alto Community Archive to captur...
Artifacts related to
Summary of SRI Studies on East Palo Alto Sphere of Influence Alternatives (Incorporation, Annexation, or Status Quo)
Summary of SRI Studies on East Palo Alto Sphere of Influence Alternatives (Incorporation, Annexation, or Status Quo), prepared by SRI international Senior...
Proceedings from Menlo Park Annexation Committee's (MPAC) Challenge of the Upcoming Incorporation Election
Legal proceedings, points, and findings for the MPAC's challenge of the upcoming incorporation election.
McCloskey Urges East PA Vote Delay - The Stanford Daily
Front page article on Pete McCloskey's efforts to delay incorporation vote to 1984.
East Palo Alto: A Community Divided
Article published in winter 1982-83 issue of Stanford Environmental Law Annual. This paper examines the current debate in East Palo Alto over whether...
Draft of Robert Lowe's "History of Incorporation"
Draft of Robert Lowe's report on the history of incorporation of East Palo Alto starts in the 1850s through the formation of EPACCI in 1980 and then...
Letter from Robert Alexander to LAFCo
Letter from Robert Alexander to LAFCo with questions and concerns following the January 1983 board meetings consultant's (Angus McDonald) report, and...
Transcript of Angus McDonald's Report to LAFCo on January 12, 1983
Full transcript of Angus McDonald's report to LAFCo. Sent to the LAFCo members by Executive Officer B. Sherman Coffman. Introduction letter discusses funding...
Financial Expert Offers His View of Incorporation - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the conclusions offered by financial expert Angus McDonald in his report on the financial feasibility on incorporation.
LAFCo Proposed Amendment of the Sphere of Influence Designation and Proposed Reorganization of East Palo Alto
File. No. 82-21, the proposed amendment to the sphere of influence designation and proposed reorganization of East Palo Alto. Send by Executive Office B....
Cityhood for East Palo Alto - San Jose Mercury News
Editorial about EPA's incorporation ballot measure and how annexation to Menlo Park is the more "economically viable" option between the two. Calls EPA a...
Letter to the Menlo Park City Council from the West of Bayshore Renters and Homeowners Association
Letter to the Menlo Park City Council from the West of Bayshore Renters and Homeowners Association. Discusses the area North of Euclid that was excluded from...
"Know the Facts" Poster to Incorporate East Palo Alto
"Know the Facts" poster to incorporate East Palo Alto. Mentions Menlo Park's support of EPA's incorporation efforts. Lists steps on what citizens can do to...
Memo from B. Sherman Coffman about the Reconsideration of Sphere of Influence designation for Menlo Park/East Palo Alto
Memo from B. Sherman Coffman to the San Mateo LAFCo about the Reconsideration of Sphere of Influence designation for Menlo Park/East Palo Alto. Includes list...
Memo from Angus McDonald about the Consolidation of East Palo Alto Sanitary District to the West Bay Sanitary District
Memo from Angus McDonald to San Mateo County LAFCo about the Consolidation of East Palo Alto Sanitary District to the West Bay Sanitary District, part of...
Memo from Assistant County Manager to LAFCo about the East Palo Alto Sphere of Influence
Memo from Assistant County Manager Jay Gellert to LAFCo about the East Palo Alto Sphere of Influence. The memo outlines the county staff analysis of the EPA...
E. Palo Alto Leaders Shocked, Disappointed - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about LAFCo's decision to place the area of EPA within Menlo Park's sphere of influence. Discusses the drive of EPACCI and other incorporation...
LAFCO is Holding the Key - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the five men that make up the San Mateo County LAFCo being responsible for the decision of whether EPA should incorporate or face annexation by...
East Palo Alto: A City or Part of Menlo Park? - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about San Mateo County LAFCo and the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors deciding on the annexation vs. incorporation debate. Includes map graphic...
Initial Study on Supplementing the Final Environmental Impact Report for Menlo Park/East Palo Alto
Letters from B. Sherman Hoffman of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) about the Environmental Impact Report for the unincorporated area of EPA and...
SRI International Report Supporting Application for Incorporation Election in East Palo Alto
Complete Report Supporting Application for Incorporation Election in East Palo Alto, prepared for the the Institute for the Study of Community Economic...
Analysis of the Draft Environmental Impact Report to the Menlo park/East Palo Alto and Districts Sphere of Influence Study
The Institute for the Study of Community Economic Development, on behalf of EPACCI, engaged SRI to review and comment on LAFCo's Environmental Impact and...
McCloskey Hired to Fight East Palo Alto Cityhood - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the opponents of incorporation in EPA hiring former congressman Paul McCloskey (Pete McCloskey) to represent them before government agencies...
A New Battle for Cityhood - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about upcoming LAFCo public hearings on incorporation. Mentions LAFCo's work with Angus McDonald, the McDonald report, and the bleak annexation...
Petition to Incorporate East Palo Alto, California
Petition to Incorporate East Palo Alto, California sent to the Honorable Willie Brown, California Assembly Speaker, by EPACCI around November 1, 1981....
Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Menlo Park/East Palo Alto and Districts Sphere of Influence Study, prepared by LAFCo
Full Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for Menlo Park/East Palo Alto and Districts Sphere of Influence Study, prepared by LAFCo. Sphere of Influence...
East Palo Alto: Portrait of a Politically Disenfranchised Community
Document about East Palo Alto's political situation and relationship with the greater San Mateo County. Discusses the reasoning and political benefits of...
East Palo Alto Annexation Study by LAFCo
Full East Palo Alto Annexation Study from the San Mateo Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo). Missing page 10.
'Raped' Community Incorporated in Self-Defense - San Jose Mercury News
Article about the struggles East Palo Alto faced in the fight for incorporation. Discusses annexation of the community and includes a map of annexed land.
Final Environmental Impact Report for the Menlo Park/East Palo Alto and Districts Sphere of Influence Study
The final draft of the Environmental Impact Report for Menlo Park and EPA, created by the San Mateo Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). Includes all...
Sanitary District Asks West Bay to Take Over Its Operations - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the EPA Sanitary District asking the West Bay Sanitary District to take over its operations because they "would like to see the district...
Palo Alto Officials Urge Assistance for East Palo Alto - Palo Alto Times
Article about EPA being under resourced and how neighboring communities could do a better job of supporting EPA's development efforts. Discusses impact of...
Memo about the Incorporation and Annexation of East Palo Alto/Menlo Park
Memo from Assistant County Manager Paul Scannell to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors containing a series of questions posed by Angus McDonald &...
A 50-Year Debate Will End Soon in East P.A. - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about LAFCo considering whether EPA should be incorporated or be annexed by neighboring Menlo Park. Includes some background on incorporation efforts...
Is a SM County Report Biased on Incorporation? - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about EPACCI's response to the LAFCo study on incorporation and annexation to Menlo Park. EPACCI's response claimed that LAFCo presented the worse...
Minority City: A Casebook - Los Angeles Times
A long article about EPA's battle for independent cityhood and the implications of EPA's victory for other minority communities. Includes a map orienting EPA...
The EPACCI Response to the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Menlo Park/East Palo Alto and Districts Sphere of Influence Study
Response from EPACCI to the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Menlo Park/East Palo Alto and Districts Sphere of Influence Study prepared by...
The EPA Progress, Vol. 2 No. 1
This issue of The EPA Progress covers rent control meetings, law suits against EPA incorporation, child abuse, Jesse Jackson's candidacy, a women's self...
The Incorporator - Vol. 2 No. 1
This issue covers the benefits of city incorporation, homeowner and renter protection, new city government and budget structure, specifically answering...
Menlo-EPA Merger Stirs Little Enthusiasm - Menlo Atherton Recorder
Article about the suggestion that Menlo Park annex East Palo Alto not being a popular idea for both communities. States that Menlo Park supports the...
Excerpts from the Community Handbook: compiled and edited by the League of Women Voters of South San Mateo County
Excerpts from Community Handbook compiled and edited by the League of Women Voters of South San Mateo County. Includes the cover, a history of South San...
The EPA Progress, Vol. 1 No. 6
This issue of The EPA Progress covers crime, rent control, Ravenswood school district elections, and part five of the History of EPA: Racial, Economic...
Problems of Self-Government in East Palo Alto: A New Analysis for the 1970s
Problems of Self-Government in East Palo Alto: A New Analysis for the 1970s, prepared by the Initiative for Improvement in Education and Governance. Includes...
E. Palo Alto Coming of Age - Painfully - San Jose Mercury News
This article in the San Jose Mercury News delineates the history of East Palo Alto; starting with the founding of Ravenswood in 1949 and ending with the...
East Palo Alto: History and Incorporation - a paper by David Almond
A paper on EPA's history and incorporation written by David Almond for a history class. Includes quotes from various news publications and an interview with...
Ravenswood High School and the Struggle for Racial Justice in the Sequoia Union High School District - A Dissertation
Full text of Robert Lowe's PhD dissertation on the desegregation of Sequoia Union High School District and Ravenswood High School submitted to Stanford...
Race, Ethnicity and Inter-minority Suburban Politics: East Palo Alto, 1950-2002 - Collective Roots
This is a Masters thesis by Mike Berman in History at Stanford University. Berman taught at the East Palo Alto Phoenix Academy.
Tenants Rights in 1983
Interview of Ruben Abrica, Lon Otterby, Carlos Romero and David Skidmore by Dianne Otterby about Tenants Rights in EPA in 1983. Topics include: how they each...
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