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Collections related to
Ruben Avelar Collection
Artifacts donated by Ruben Avelar, an East Palo Alto resident and founder of the Raices de Mexico...
Wear Your Pride Clothing Collection
T-shirts, sweatshirts, and other apparel items created by the City of East Palo Alto and local no...
East Palo Alto General Plans
A collection of EPA City General Plans. A general plan includes the following elements: land use,...
Early Townships Timeline Collection (1850-1935)
Selections from the collection related to the early townships of Ravenswood, Runnymede, and the C...
Nairobi Movement Timeline Collection (1960-1979)
Selections from the collection related to the social, cultural, and political activism of the Nai...
Barbara Noparstak Collection
Artifacts donated by devoted East Palo Alto community member Barbara Noparstak.
The Ohlone Nation Timeline Collection (1000BC-present)
Selections from the collection related to the Ohlone Nation; the city of East Palo Alto exists on...
Duane Bay Collection
Artifacts donated by former East Palo Alto mayor and city councilmember Duane Bay. Mr. Bay has be...
Incorporation of East Palo Alto Timeline Collection (1980 - 1994)
Selections from the Archive related to the efforts to incorporate East Palo Alto, including the E...
Community Revitalization Timeline Collection (1995-2010)
Selections from the collection related to community economic development such as the Ravenswood 1...
Sharifa Wilson Collection
Artifacts contributed by East Palo Alto resident, former Mayor, and East Palo Alto Community Arch...
Meda O Okelo Collection
Artifacts contributed by longtime East Palo Alto resident, Meda Okelo, that focus on community ce...
Community Preservation & Transformation Timeline Collection (2011-present)
Selections from the collection related to the effects of gentrification and influx of the tech in...
People of EPA Video Collection
Videos from the #PeopleofEPA documentary video series produced for the EPA Community Archive.
Raices de Mexico Collection
Photographs, programs, and organizational artifacts donated by and related to Raices de Mexico, a...
Barbara Mouton Collection
Artifacts compiled by Barbara Mouton throughout her time as East Palo Alto's Mayor and City Counc...
East Palo Alto City Budget Collection
A collection of East Palo Alto City budget documents and articles about the City's budget.
Dr Syrtiller Kabat Collection
A collection of artifacts donated by educator, activist, and former East Palo Alto resident Dr. S...
Estela Guerrero Collection
A collection of artifacts contributed by East Palo Alto resident and Ravenswood High School Alumn...
Dr Omowale Satterwhite Collection
Artifacts donated by and documenting the long career of Dr. Omowale Satterwhite. Dr. Satterwhite ...
Nairobi College Collection
Artifacts documenting the history, events, and legacy of Nairobi College and the Nairobi Alumni A...
East Palo Alto Library Collection
Photographs and artifacts produced or donated by the East Palo Alto Library, documenting its hist...
William Byron Webster Collection
Artifacts donated by East Palo Alto resident and long-term activist. His collection is eclectic b...
Ravenswood City School District Collection
Artifacts produced by or contributed by the Ravenswood City School District.
Ravenswood High School Collection
Artifacts documenting the history of Ravenswood High School before its closure in 1976. These pho...
The East Palo Alto Progress Collection
Published issues of the local East Palo Alto Progress newspaper.
Post-Depression Period Timeline Collection (1936-1959)
Selections from the collection related to agriculture and farming traditions in East Palo Alto, t...
EPACA Oral History Collection
Oral history interviews conducted by volunteers of the East Palo Alto Community Archive to captur...
Artifacts related to
Black Language is 'Right On' with Professor, Black English Controversial as School Curriculum Topic - Palo Alto Times
Articles about Dr. Orlando Taylor's championing of Black language courses and Mary Hoover's studies of Black English and the responses of parents and...
Nairobi Day School Kindergarten Class - 1974
Photograph of the 1974 Nairobi Day School Kindergarten Class. Rachel Bell is the teacher in the back on the left. Class included students Martha Makeda...
The Winds of Freedom Blow - The Peninsula Gazette
Article about Stanford's Upward Bound program financed by the US Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) to educate students in East Palo Alto and East Menlo...
How Sports 'Trap' Black Youngsters - San Francisco Chronicle
Article about Henry Organ and the need for the black community to foster a curiosity around school and education opportunities rather than sports. Opens with...
Blank Nairobi Schools Permanent Record Card
Blank permanent record card template for Nairobi school students.
Letter Verifying Evelyn Dyer's Enrollment in Nairobi High School
Letter signed by Barbara Mouton verifying Evelyn Dyer's enrollment and completion of the Nairobi High School program. Mentions the closure of Nairobi Day and...
Mothers for Equal Education Fund Statement
Fund statement for Mothers for Equal Education, including assets, liabilities, receipts, and expenses.
Chapter on Nairobi College in New Colleges for New Students
A chapter about the history and philosophy of Nairobi College in a book called "New Colleges for New Students." Describes the creation of Nairobi College by...
Nairobi College 20th Reunion and Conference Agenda
Agenda and celebration information for the Nairobi College 1988 Reunion and Conference. Agenda included presentations and panel discussions including people...
History Discovers Africans: East P.A. School Takes a Fresh Look - San Jose Mercury News
Article about the Afro-centric teachings at Shule Mandela Academy in East Palo Alto and the effects such teaching have on the confidence and self-esteem of...
Mothers for Equal Education Pamphlet
Pamphlet about Mothers for Equal Education and the various Nairobi schools. Discusses the influence and vision of Gertrude Wilks and the creation of the...
Writings from Nairobi Day School: Newsletter I for the 1972-73 School Year
Collection of writings and drawings from Nairobi Day School students. List of contributors included on page 3.
Ravenswood District's Struggle For Power - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the power struggles at play within Ravenswood City School District. Mentions the San Mateo Country grand jury investigation, the departure of...
East of Bayshore Section from The Peninsula Bulletin Vol 6, No 41
Articles from the East of Bayshore Section covering Ravenswood High School students attending the National Red Cross Aquatic School, the Lions Club donating...
Gwen Smith Interview
Interview of Gwen Smith by Jesse Norfleet about Ravenswood High School. Topics include: migration to Belle Haven, what makes Ravenswood High School special,...
Fire Destroys Nairobi School - The Times
The Times (San Mateo) article on the fire that destroyed the Nairobi School in 1975. It was an act of arson.
Ravenswood High School 1976 Yearbook
Complete 1976 yearbook from Ravenswood High School. Includes all pages, some with personal notes to Caroline Wyatt.
Ravenswood High School 1966 Yearbook
Complete 1966 yearbook from Ravenswood High School. Includes all pages, some with personal notes to student John Wyatt
Guatamalan Attends Ravenswood - Habari Gani
Article in the Ravenswood High School student newspaper about Guatemalan exchange student Carmen Soberanis attending Ravenswood High School. Includes an...
Latino Input Prompts Unity - Habari Gani
Article in the Ravenswood High School student newspaper about La Raza de Ahora student organization raising awareness on Mexican history and culture, the...
Photograph of Ravenswood Student in the Reading Lab - Habari Gani
Photograph in the Ravenswood High School student newspaper showing teacher Nelson Dake working with student Estella Guierrez in the reading lab.
Ravenswood Graduates Plan Campus Ceremony - Habari Gani
Article in the Ravenswood High School student newspaper about 174 senior students graduating at an upcoming commencement ceremony. Student speakers at the...
Flyer for a Dance Organized by Ravenswood High School's La Raza de Ahora, 1974
Flyer for a dance benefitting school scholarships, organized by Ravenswood High School's La Raza de Ahora student organization. The dance took place at the...
Ravenswood High School Students
Photograph of three Ravenswood High School students - Ana Montes, Edie Avelar, and Estela Guerrero.
Ravenswood High School Class of 1972 Commencement Ceremony
Photograph from the commencement ceremony for the Ravenswood High School class of 1972. Depicts student Estela Guererro receiving her diploma.
$65,000 East PA study Aimed at Forming New City, School - Palo Alto Times
Article about EPA conducting a black community project focusing incorporation and the establishment of an experimental school district. The project was...
Medical School Grant Protested - The Stanford Daily
Article about 100 EPA residents protesting at the Stanford Medical School about the 1967 Upward Bound program grant. The protestors presented nine...
Training Harder at Ravenswood - Palo Alto Times
This letter to the editor in the Palo Alto Times talks about how the quality of education at Ravenswood High School is not as good as the surrounding high...
Ravenswood High School 1975 Yearbook
Complete 1975 yearbook from Ravenswood High School. Includes all pages, some with personal notes to student Estella Gutierrez (now Estela Guerrero) in...
Ravenswood High School 1974 Yearbook
Complete 1974 yearbook from Ravenswood High School. Includes all pages, some with personal notes to student Estella Gutierrez (now Estela Guerrero) in...
Ravenswood High School 1973 Yearbook
Complete 1973 yearbook from Ravenswood High School. Includes all pages, some with personal notes to student Estella Gutierrez (now Estela Guerrero) in...
Ravenswood High School 1972 Yearbook
Complete 1972 yearbook from Ravenswood High School. Includes all pages, some with personal notes to student Estella Gutierrez (now Estela Guerrero) in...
Flyer for a Dance Organized by Ravenswood High School's La Raza de Ahora, 1975
Flyer for a dance benefitting school scholarships, organized by Ravenswood High School's La Raza de Ahora student organization. The dance took place at...
Ravenswood High School Class of 1972
Photograph of the Ravenswood High School Class of 1972
Ravenswood: An Impressionistic Tribute to Ravenswood
Published book about Ravenswood high school. Edited by Greg Gavin, Rosan Gomperts, and Carole Hall. Published by Pressed for Time Press in Woodside, CA....
Monday Q&A: How Blacks Should Funnel Their Efforts - Times Tribune
Q&A with Stanford professor and EPA advocate Henry Organ about the possible closing of Ravenswood High School and shift focus away from athletics for young...
Sequoia Will Finance Black Student Exodus - Palo Alto Times
Article about the Sequoia Union High School District agreeing to pay for minority students who "contend they are educationally shortchanged in the Sequoia...
Benign Intentions: The Magnet School at Ravenswood High
Paper on the magnet school at Ravenswood High School, presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in San Francisco,...
East Palo Alto Educators Receive Grants - Palo Alto Weekly
Article about 43 EPA educators receiving grants from the EPA Kids Foundation. Discusses the way that some of the grant funds were used by local teachers.
The Peninsula Gazette - Vol. 2, No. 33
Issue of The Peninsula Gazette with articles about the annual open house of the Ravenswood Parents' Cooperative Nursery School, a meeting of the Welfare...
Legal Brief on behalf of the Certified Members of the Black Educators of Sequoia Union High School District
Legal Brief on behalf of the Certified Members of the Black Educators of Sequoia Union High School District. Includes the factual background information on...
Ravenswood High School and De Facto Segregation in the Sequoia Union High School District - May 1955 to April 1966
Written history of de facto segregation and associated anti-segregation political efforts from 1955 to 1966 at Ravenswood High School and the Sequoia Union...
Warren Hayman Interview
Interview of Warren Hayman by Sharifa Wilson. Topics include: life before coming to the Peninsula in 1966; career at Ravenswood City School District (RCSD)...
Tinsley Kids to be Studied - Palo Alto Weekly
Article about the Palo Alto School District conducting an in-depth study looking at the 422 EPA students who participated in the Tinsley voluntary transfer...
Ravenswood Post Vol. 22, No. 25
Issue of the Ravenswood Post with articles about Nairobi schools, an OICW luncheon honoring EPA Councilman Clarence Jackson, a lawsuit filed against the...
Dr. Valencia Nemaji Jackson Interview
Interview of Valencia Nemaji Jackson, PhD by Meda Okelo. Topics include: migration to the Bay area in 2016 to work at Cañada College; awareness of EPA in...
Juanita Croft Interview
Interview of Juanita Croft by Jesse Norfleet about Nairobi College. Topics include: her schooling before attending Nairobi College in 1969; her mentor Mary...
Digital bridge proves elusive - unknown publication
Article about East Palo Alto's prominance as a laboratory for closing the "digital divide." Due to high tech generosity, the average of 1 computer per 28...
Architect Guess: School Needs Cost $650,000 - Ravenswood Post
Article about the cost estimate for improvements to Ravenswood Elementary School District schools from Menlo park architects Janssen, Daseking and Keller....
Charlie's Challenge - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about Ravenswood City School District superintendent Charlie Mae Knight's vision for the district and plan to improve the schools after one year in...
Hope in the Halls - Ravenswood Post
Article about Charlie Mae Knight, the new superintendent of the Ravenswood City School District. Discusses the Ravenswood School Board's tentative settlement...
Superintendent Returns: Ravenswood Hires Hayman for Top Spot - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about Warren Hayman being re-hired as the superintendent of the Ravenswood City School District. Includes background on and interview with Hayman....
Ravenswood School District Picks a New Superintendent - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the Ravenswood City School District Board of Trustees beginning negotiations for Dr. Samuel Davis to be appointed the new superintendent...
Eastside College Preparatory School T-Shirt
T-shirt from Eastside Prep School featuring a panther mascot logo. Nothing on the reverse.
'Multilingualism' Promoted: Ravenswood wants to Tap Students Varied Cultures - San Jose Mercury News
Article about the vision of Ravenswood City School District (elementary) trustees to have students in the district speaking English, Spanish, and Tongan to...
District Gets Bad Grades - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about Samuel Davis blaming poor management and confused goals for the underperforming programs in the Ravenswood City School District. Includes...
School Chief Quits, Hits New Board in Ravenswood - Palo Alto Times
Article about the resignation of John Cleveland as superintendent of the Ravenswood City School District 15 days before he was to take office. Board member...
Ravenswood City School District Five-Year Educational Plan, 1971-76
Ravenswood City School District five-year educational plan spanning 1971-76 from the office of the superintendent. Plans comply with the Stull Bill and list...
Ravenswood City School District 1971-1972 Achievement Testing Report
Report on districtwide achievement testing for the 1971-1972 school year. Includes statistical summary of achievement testing in the Ravenswood District.
Letter to the Ravenswood City School District Board of Trustees about May 1971 Achievement Testing
Introductory letter and full standardized test score breakdown by grade, testing topic, and school.
Ravenswood City School District Metropolitan Readiness Test Results for Kindergarten - 1968-1971
Analysis of results for the Metropolitan kindergarten readiness test for local schools from 1968-1971.
Ravenswood City School District Report of Testing Conducted Under the Miller-Unruh Basic Reading Act 1965
Overview of standardized testing at Ravenswood City School District schools with comparative analysis to the previous year's testing results and average...
Ravenswood City School District Report of Standardized Group Testing Conducted Fall of 1966
Overview of CA Standardized testing at Ravenswood City School District schools with average scores by subject and at each school.
Ravenswood City School District Report of Standardized Group Testing for the 1965-66 School Year
Overview of CA standardized group testing in Ravenswood City School District schools, with average scores by school.
Report of Standardized Group Testing for the 1964-65 School Year
Overview of the Ravenswood City School District CA standardized testing with average score by school and grade level.
Report of Group Intelligence and Achievement Tests 1963-64
Overview of CA standardized reading and math test administration, followed by score averages by school.
Statement of Elizabeth Johnson and Gerald Z. Marer upon completion of their term of office as members of the governing board, Ravenswood City School District
Written statement letter from Elizabeth (Betty) Johnson and Gerald Z. Marer upon completion of their term as members of the Ravenswood City School District...
Ravenswood City School District Minority Curriculum Committee test
Multiple choice test from the Ravenswood City School District Minority Curriculum Committee. Includes questions about popular culture, local vernacular,...
Notes from Conversation between Art Pearl and Syrtiller Kabat on Easter Sunday 1973
Notes from a conversation between Art Pearl and Syrtiller Kabat about education and the political battles taking place within the Ravenswood City School...
Resignation Letter for Syrtiller Kabat from the Ravenswood City School District Board of Trustees
Letter written by Syrtiller Kabat announcing decision to resign from her position on the Ravenswood City School District Board of Trustees. Discusses her...
Furor Over New School Chief
Article about the controversy surrounding John Cleveland being chosen as the superintendent of the Ravenswood City Elementary School District.
Hoover heads board again - Palo Alto Times
Brief article about Bob Hoover being renamed as the board president for the Ravenswood City School District.
Mrs. Kabat resigns as trustee - Palo Alto Times
Article about Syrtiller Kabat resigning from her position as a trustee for the Ravenswood City School District,
Hayman appointed chief of Ravenswood schools - Palo Alto Times
Article about Warren Hayman being appointed superintendent of Ravenswood City School District by a majority of the Board including Board President Bob Hoover.
Ravenswood City School District Statistical Report 1958-1970
Statistical report of Ravenswood City School District with assessed valuation, assessed valuation per ADA, current expense of education, cost of education...
Letter, Background Material, and Learning Experiences for a Martin Luther King Commemoration at the Ravenswood City School District
Letter from Assistant Superintendent Warren Hayman, background material, and learning experiences for a Martin Luther King Commemoration at the Ravenswood...
Teen Summer Project Planned - Gazette
Brief article about the the Mothers for Equal Education and EPA Day School leading a summer teen community action and education project to employ 121...
Box Score on School Voting - Palo Alto Times
Tally of votes for each school board candidate. Includes votes for Syrtiller Kabat and Robert Hoover to the Ravenswood Elementary School District
Voters Shake Up Six School Boards - Palo Alto Times
Article about election results for school boards in Palo Alto, Mountain View, Menlo Park, Ravenswood, Los Altos, and Fremont districts. Mentions the election...
Pamphlet for The Annette Latorre Nursery School
Pamphlet for the Annette Latorre Nursery School with photos and an introductory letter from Gertrude Wilks and other representatives from Mothers for Equal...
Letter of Recommendation for Mamie Ruth Sampson from Barbara Mouton
Letter of recommendation written by Mayor Barbara Mouton on behalf of Mamie Ruth Sampson. Discusses Sampson's accomplishments at the EPA library and...
Ravenswood Will Present Grant Plan - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the Ravenswood City School District presenting a multi-year proposal to the San Francisco Foundation and the possible opportunities the...
The Life of a Mayor: East P.A.'s Mouton Charms 60 Students - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about Mayor Barbara Mouton visiting a classroom at Brentwood School where she made a presentation about her recent travels to Africa, incorporation...
Three Persons in Race for Ravenswood Board - Times Tribune
Article about the three EPA community members in the running to take the place of Barbara Hatton on the Ravenswood City School District Board of Education....
Seabrook is Weary of Top Jobs - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the departure of Ravenswood City School District Superintendent Luther Seabrook and how Seabrook was not the "politician" that the role...
Seabrook Quietly Departs - Times Tribune
Article about the early resignation of Ravenswood City Elementary School District Superintendent Luther Seabrook.
Grand Jury Probes Financial Dealings in Ravenswood - Times Tribune
Article about the San Mateo County Grand Jury investigating possible financial misconduct within the Ravenswood City Elementary School District. Possible...
Fighting For a Better Playground - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about Myrtle Walker's fight for a new playground at the Ravenswood Middle School. Walker was the president of the school's parents club and founder...
Ravenswood Trustee's Vote to Oust Seabrook May Be Ruled Invalid - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about troubles surrounding the ousting of Ravenswood City Elementary School District Superintendent Luther Seabrook. Trustee Barbara Hatton's vote...
The Board Room: Ravenswood City School District Board Newsletter - Issue 1, Vol. 1 Fall 1985
Ravenswood City School District Board Newsletter for the Fall of 1985. Includes information about Charlie Mae Knight, the new superintendent, upcoming...
A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned'-? - Ravenswood Post
Article with an update on the continued discussion around a salary increase for Ravenswood City School District teachers termed a ' penny increase.'
8 of 9 Districts OK Pact - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the Peninsula school districts ratifying the settlement in the Tinsley desegregation case. The districts unanimously approved the desegregation...
Nairobi College 20th Year Reunion Program
Printed program from the Nairobi College 20th Year Reunion, held at the EPA Council Chambers. Includes an interview with Nairobi College Founder Robert...
Four Principals Named in Ravenswood District - Palo Alto Times
Article about four open principalship positions being filled during a meeting of the Ravenswood City School District. Two of the four positions were filled...
Elementary Student Letters to Mayor Mouton
Letters that Brentwood School students wrote to Mayor Barbara Mouton after she visited their classroom.
East of Bayshore Teen Summer Project - Nairobi Summer Project
Book with program philosophy, teachers schedules and plans, questionnaires, and letters about the 1969 Nairobi Summer Program.
Itinerary for the Schule Mandela Academy's Trip to CIBI's 21st Annual Science Exposition
Complete itinerary for the Shule Mandela Academy's visit to the 21st Annual Council of Independent Black Institutions (CIBI) Science Exposition in...
Nguzo Saba Committee Third Annual Ravenswood School Community Awards Dinner Program
Program for the Third Annual Ravenswood Community Awards Night, held at the EPA Municipal Center. Program includes a description of the Nguzo Saba Committee,...
Ravenswood Settles Special Education Suit - Palo Alto Weekly
Article about the Ravenswood City School District and CA Department of Education agreeing to pay to monitor the school district, focus on possible changes to...
Nairobi College 50th Anniversary Reunion T-Shirt
T-shirt from the Nairobi College 50th Anniversary Reunion celebration. Front features artwork and the reverse says "there was once a place... Nairobi,...
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