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community events & celebrations christmas
Ruben Avelar Collection
Artifacts donated by Ruben Avelar, an East Palo Alto resident and founder of the Raices de Mexico...
Wear Your Pride Clothing Collection
T-shirts, sweatshirts, and other apparel items created by the City of East Palo Alto and local no...
East Palo Alto General Plans
A collection of EPA City General Plans. A general plan includes the following elements: land use,...
Early Townships Timeline Collection (1850-1935)
Selections from the collection related to the early townships of Ravenswood, Runnymede, and the C...
Nairobi Movement Timeline Collection (1960-1979)
Selections from the collection related to the social, cultural, and political activism of the Nai...
Barbara Noparstak Collection
Artifacts donated by devoted East Palo Alto community member Barbara Noparstak.
The Ohlone Nation Timeline Collection (1000BC-present)
Selections from the collection related to the Ohlone Nation; the city of East Palo Alto exists on...
Duane Bay Collection
Artifacts donated by former East Palo Alto mayor and city councilmember Duane Bay. Mr. Bay has be...
Incorporation of East Palo Alto Timeline Collection (1980 - 1994)
Selections from the Archive related to the efforts to incorporate East Palo Alto, including the E...
Community Revitalization Timeline Collection (1995-2010)
Selections from the collection related to community economic development such as the Ravenswood 1...
Sharifa Wilson Collection
Artifacts contributed by East Palo Alto resident, former Mayor, and East Palo Alto Community Arch...
Meda O Okelo Collection
Artifacts contributed by longtime East Palo Alto resident, Meda Okelo, that focus on community ce...
Community Preservation & Transformation Timeline Collection (2011-present)
Selections from the collection related to the effects of gentrification and influx of the tech in...
People of EPA Video Collection
Videos from the #PeopleofEPA documentary video series produced for the EPA Community Archive.
Raices de Mexico Collection
Photographs, programs, and organizational artifacts donated by and related to Raices de Mexico, a...
Barbara Mouton Collection
Artifacts compiled by Barbara Mouton throughout her time as East Palo Alto's Mayor and City Counc...
East Palo Alto City Budget Collection
A collection of East Palo Alto City budget documents and articles about the City's budget.
Dr Syrtiller Kabat Collection
A collection of artifacts donated by educator, activist, and former East Palo Alto resident Dr. S...
Estela Guerrero Collection
A collection of artifacts contributed by East Palo Alto resident and Ravenswood High School Alumn...
Dr Omowale Satterwhite Collection
Artifacts donated by and documenting the long career of Dr. Omowale Satterwhite. Dr. Satterwhite ...
Nairobi College Collection
Artifacts documenting the history, events, and legacy of Nairobi College and the Nairobi Alumni A...
East Palo Alto Library Collection
Photographs and artifacts produced or donated by the East Palo Alto Library, documenting its hist...
William Byron Webster Collection
Artifacts donated by East Palo Alto resident and long-term activist. His collection is eclectic b...
Ravenswood City School District Collection
Artifacts produced by or contributed by the Ravenswood City School District.
Ravenswood High School Collection
Artifacts documenting the history of Ravenswood High School before its closure in 1976. These pho...
The East Palo Alto Progress Collection
Published issues of the local East Palo Alto Progress newspaper.
Post-Depression Period Timeline Collection (1936-1959)
Selections from the collection related to agriculture and farming traditions in East Palo Alto, t...
EPACA Oral History Collection
Oral history interviews conducted by volunteers of the East Palo Alto Community Archive to captur...
Artifacts related to
community events & celebrations christmas
Christmas Performance - 1985
Photograph of a Christmas performance at Bell Street Gym in 1985. This performance was a part of the 3rd annual EPA Senior Citizen Club Bazaar.
EPA Library Christmas Events - 2010
Photographs from Christmas events at the EPA Library in December 2010. Events featured a visit from Santa, a craft table, and treats.
EPA Library Holiday Party - 1992
Photograph from the Christmas holiday party at the EPA Library in December 1992.
EPA Library Holiday Program - 1991
Photographs from the EPA Library Holiday Program in December 1991.
EPA Library Christmas Events - 1990
Photographs from Christmas events at the EPA Library in December 1990. Includes photos of children decorating trees and staff members at the Christmas party.
The EPA Progress, Vol. 2 No. 8
This issue of The EPA Progress covers the creation of a community-based EPA police force under Tecumseh "Danny" Nelson, new city department heads, the...
Gertrude Wilks at East Palo Alto City Hall
Photo of Gertrude Wilks taken at East Palo Alto City Hall in the 1990s.
Juneteenth & African-American Family History Events - 1991
Photographs of Juneteenth & African-American Family History events at the EPA Library in June 1991. The Juneteenth Program featured Jeanne English, Dorothy...
Materials Related to the East Palo Alto Senior Citizen Club's 4th Annual Christmas Bazaar
Flyers, correspondence, and announcements related to the East Palo Alto Senior Citizen Club's 4th Annual Christmas Bazaar held at the EPA Recreation Center....
EPA Library Juneteenth Fair Booth
Photographs of the EPA Library's booth at the Juneteenth Fair in June 1992.
EPA Juneteenth 2004 T-Shirt
T-shirt from the East Palo Alto Juneteenth celebration in 2003. Front features "Back to Basics" tagline and reverse features artwork and a list of event...
EPA Juneteenth 2002 T-Shirt
T-shirt from East Palo Alto's 2002 Juneteenth celebration at Bell Street Park.
People, Places and Events - Palo Altan
Upcoming events section includes an announcement of EPA's Juneteenth Festival at the Bell Street Park and a talk by Zimbabwe's actress of the year at the...
Flyer for a Juneteenth BBQ, Rummage, and Cake Sale
Flyer advertising a Juneteenth BBQ, Rummage, and Cake Sale benefitting the EPA Senior Center.
Painted Canvas Banner from Juneteenth 1998 Celebration
Large painted canvas banner from the 1998 East Palo Alto Juneteenth Celebration.
Juneteenth Festival 1985 Program
Program for the City of East Palo Alto's 1985 Juneteenth Festival at the EPA Park & Recreation Center. Includes an introductory history of Juneteenth, a...
East Palo Alto Juneteenth 2021 T-Shirt
T-shirt from EPA's Juneteenth celebration in 2021. No content on the reverse.
The EPA Progress, Vol. 3 No. 4
This issue of The EPA Progress covers local telephone company options, misconceptions about South Africa, city council updates, hypertension, education and...
First City Anniversary Celebration - 1984
Photographs from EPA's first city birthday at Bell Street Park in 1984. Includes photographs of children participating in sack races, pacific islander dancer...
Juneteenth Festival - 1987
Photographs from the 1987 Juneteenth Festival at Bell Street Park in EPA. Performers included the Wilson Brothers, a band comprised of Jimmy Wilson with his...
Prozak Performing at Juneteenth 2002
Photographs of Markus McKinley AKA Prozak performing during the 2002 Juneteenth Festival at Bell Street Park in EPA.
Juneteenth Festival - 1989
Photographs of a band and dancers performing during the 1989 Juneteenth Festival at Bell Street Park in EPA.
Cultural Kaleidoscope - 1993
Photographs from the 1993 Cultural Kaleidoscope celebration at Bell Street Park. Featured participants include Myrtle Walker, Jim and Judith Hsiang, Shadidi...
City 26th Anniversary Parade - 2009
Images from the EPA 26th City Anniversary Celebration parade along Pulgas Avenue. Featured parade participants include Lisa Gauthier, Girls 2 Women, the EPA...
Launch of City Flag during 26th Anniversary - 2009
Photos from the launch of the EPA city flag during the 26th City Anniversary celebrations at MLK Park. Photos feature the flag bearers as well as Ruben Abrica.
Blues Festival - 1990s
Photographs from a blues festival held in Bell Street Park in the 1990s. Photographs feature Ray Renti, Art Lim of Drew Center Pharmacy, and Dorsey Nunn.
Agenda for EPACCI Meeting - April 24, 1984
Agenda for EPACCI meeting on April 24, 1984. Includes announcements, a final report on the April 10th election, a progress report on planning for Juneteenth...
Film Festival Marks City's 20th Year - San Jose Mercury News
Article about the EPA Film Festival to celebrate the city's growth and maturity over its first 20 years. The Festival was directed by William Webster and...
Kaleidescope - Peninsula Times Tribune
Photograph of Raices de Mexico dancers Magali Cohen, Erika Pacheco, and Elisia Guerrero waiting to take the stage during the Cultural Kaleidoscope...
1998 Collard Greens Cultural Festival T-Shirt
T-shirt for the 1998 Collard Greens Cultural festival benefitting the Schule Mandela Academy. This festival was a EPA 15th anniversary celebration. Festival...
EPA Juneteenth Hoop-It-Up T-Shirt
T-shirt from the East Palo Alto Juneteenth Hoop-It-Up in 2003.
Park Event Fetes Cinco de Mayo and Mothers - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about Cinco de Mayo and Mother's Day festival at Flood Park in Menlo Park. The article includes a photo of young Raices de Mexico dancers; the event...
Freedom Celebration - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article and photographs from the Peninsula Times Tribune featuring Raices de Mexico performers during a Cinco de Mayo festival in East Palo Alto.
Independence Day Parade Winners - Weekly News
Article listing the July 4th parade float winners, including Raices de Mexico placing 1st in the "decorated car" category.
EPACCI Newsletter - Vol. 2, No. 2
EPACCI newsletter that covers misinformation being spread by LAFCo about incorporation, upcoming Juneteenth celebrations, a salute to Chester Prince, a facts...
Flyer and Article about the First Annual Black/Afrikan History Celebration
Materials advertising the First Annual Black/Afrikan History Celebration, presented by the Palo Alto Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and the...
Juneteenth '81 Celebration Program
Program for the 1981 Juneteenth Celebration, hosted by the Ravenswood Recreation and Park District. Includes ads and comments from the East Palo Alto...
Raices de Mexico Float for the Redwood City 4th of July Parade
Photograph of Raices de Mexico car float in the Redwood City 4th of July Parade, 1988.
Drummer Performing at the East Palo Alto 20th Anniversary Festival
Photograph of a drummer performing at an East Palo Alto 20th Anniversary festival.
Raices de Mexico Performing at East Palo Alto's 20th Anniversary Celebration
Photograph of Raices de Mexico performing at East Palo Alto's 20th Anniversary Celebration.
East Palo Alto's First Birthday Celebration
Photograph of children and young adults celebrating during East Palo Alto's First Birthday Celebration
Ravenswood City School District Students Performing at the 3rd Annual Christmas Bazaar
Photograph of Ravenswood City School District students performing at the 3rd Annual Christmas Bazaar held at the EPA Senior Citizens Club.
Dancers Performing at the Multicultural Exchange Project
Photograph of dancers performing at the Multicultural Exchange Project: Unity in Diversity festival.
Band Performing at Juneteenth Festival
Photograph of a band performing at an East Palo Alto Juneteenth festival.
Dancers at Juneteenth Festival
Photograph of dancers performing at an East Palo Alto Juneteenth festival.
Framed Poster of the 20th Year Celebration Festival of East Palo Alto
Framed poster of the 20th Year Celebration Festival of East Palo Alto. Features photographs of the iconic city welcome sign, various economic development...
EPA 20th Anniversary Committee Member Medal
Medal given to East Palo Alto 20th Anniversary Committee members. Front side features the EPA city seal and the reverse says "East Palo Alto Thanks You."
2001 Collard Greens Cultural Festival T-Shirt
T-shirt for the 2001 Collard Greens Cultural festival benefitting the School of Wisdom and Knowledge College Preparatory Academy. Festival celebrated the...
Collard Greens Festival - 2004
Photograph of J.D. Williams during the Collard Green Festival at Bell Street Park in Summer 2004.
Juneteenth Festival - 1995
Photographs of the 1995 Juneteenth Festival at Bell Street Park in EPA. Attendees include Kalamu Chache, Damani Kazembe of Major Taylor Cycling Club, Michael...
EPA Juneteenth Festival Poster & Flyer - 2002
Poster and flyer for the 2002 Juneteenth festival at Bell Street Park in EPA. Lists sponsors and performers.
Juneteenth Event with Carmaleit Oakes
Photographs from a Juneteenth event at the EPA Library honoring Carmaleit Oakes in June 1992.
Flyer for Black History in the Making: An Evening of Poetry, Music, Magic, and History
Flyer for a Black History Month celebration "Black History in the Making", held at the EPA Library. The evening of poetry, music, magic, and history featured...
The Peninsula Gazette - Vol. 2 No. 24
This issue of The Peninsula Gazette focuses on the suspension of Chester Bailey and George Phillips from OICW and the upcoming Juneteenth celebration.
Jennifer Jackson
Photograph of Jennifer Jackson with a flyer advertising the 14th annual EPA Children's Day celebration at Bell Street Park
Children's Day & EPA 20th Birthday Poster
Poster advertising the Children's Day and EPA 20th Birthday celebration at Bell Street Park. Lists sponsors and entertainment for children.
A Big Fete at Ravenswood Park - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the upcoming two-day Juneteenth festival at Ravenswood Park (AKA Bell Street Park) being held to publicize the city's incorporation campaign....
The EPA Progress, Vol. 4 No. 3
This issue of The EPA Progress covers the programming for the local Juneteenth Celebration, the re-election of the EPA City Council, the opening of the Pena...
Both Palo Altos to Celebrate Cultural Diversity - San Jose Mercury News
Article about the Cultural Kaleidoscope celebration of local cultural diversity at the Palo Alto Cultural Center. Includes interview with Myrtle Walker,...
Swearing In of First EPA City Council
Photographs from the swearing in of EPA's first city council. Members included Omowale Satterwhite, Barbara Mouton, Ruben Abrica, Gertrude Wilks, and James...
Booklet for the First Annual EPA Black History Film Festival
Booklet for the First Annual EPA Black History Film Festival at the Community Church Auditorium. Lists films being shown and schedule for showings and film...
Program for Raices de Mexico's 1995 Cinco de Mayo Performances at Peninsula Schools
Program for Raices de Mexico's 1995 Cinco de Mayo performances at schools along the peninsula, including Mid Peninsula Community Day School, Fair Meadow...
Cinco de Mayo 1993 at EPA Library
Photographs from the Raices de Mexico Cinco de Mayo performance at the East Palo Alto Library.
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo - San Jose Mercury News
Article about the history of Cinco de Mayo and local celebrations of the holiday, including a free performance by Raices de Mexico at the East Palo Alto...
It's el Cinco de Mayo - A Colorful Show for Mexico - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about Ballet Folklorico Juventud, the precursor to Raices de Mexico, performing at Cinco de Mayo festivities at Kavanaugh Elementary School in East...
Letter from EPA Library to Raices de Mexico
Letter from EPA Library Children's Services to Raices de Mexico acknowledging payment for their Cinco de Mayo program. Mentions the availability of the film...
Invitation and Schedule for the 1986 Canada College Latin American Club Cinco de Mayo Celebrations Featuring Raices de Mexico
Invitation and Program Schedule for the 1986 Canada College Cinco de Mayo Celebrations featuring a performance by Raices de Mexico.
Peninsulans Enjoy Cinco de Mayo - Times Tribune
Article about Cinco de Mayo festivities at the Fair Oaks Community Center in Redwood City. Performers included EPA's Raices de Mexico. Features photo of...
Shule Mandela Academy Information Packet for the Third Annual Family Cultural Arts Festival
Collection of materials about the Shule Mandela Academy's Third Annual Family Cultural Arts Festival, also called the Jazz & Arts Cultural Festival....
Cinco de Mayo Variety Show at Carlmont High School
Program and photos from the Cinco de Mayo Variety Show presented by the United Latin American Club at Carlmont High School. Brochure features full program of...
Flyer for the City of East Palo Alto 1986 Cinco de Mayo Festival
Flyer for the City of East Palo Alto 1986 Cinco de Mayo Festival at Bell Street Park. Includes performances by Mariachi Chapala, Raices de Mexico, Folklorico...
East Palo Alto's 15th Anniversary Celebration
Photograph from East Palo Alto's 15th Anniversary Celebration featuring Barbara Noparstak and Maisha Mouton.
Cinco de Mayo Performers at Bell Street Park
Photograph of children performing during a Cinco de Mayo celebration at Bell Street Park.
Raices De Mexico's 1986 Cinco de Mayo Performance at Bell Street Park
Photographs of Raices De Mexico's 1986 Cinco de Mayo performance at Bell Street Park in East Palo Alto.
EPA 20th Anniversary Little League Team
Photograph of the EPA 20th anniversary little league team at Jack Farrell Park.
First Anti-Drug Art & Street Fair - 1986
Photographs from the first anti-drug art & street fair at Bell Street Park in East Palo Alto. Photographs feature performers and attendees, including Phavia...
EPA 2009 Summer Community Guide
Summer Community Guide for Summer programming, created by EPA Community Services Director Meda Okelo. Includes sections on community events such as...
Promotional Flyer for Raices de Mexico Dia de los Muertos 1996
Promotional flyer for Raices de Mexico's 1996 Dia de los Muertos celebration at Green Oaks Academy in EPA and Manor House Gallery in Belmont. The event at...
Program for Raices de Mexico Dia de Los Muertos 1996
Program for Raices de Mexico's 1996 Dia de Los Muertos event at Green Oaks School in EPA. This event was sponsored in part by Philanthropic Ventures.
Holiday Gift Flyer from Chris-Co Productions
Flyer for holiday gifts made by Poetess Kalamu Chaché. Gifts include Kwanzaa cards and "A Change of Interest" book of poetry. Flyer distributed by Chris-Co...
Poetry Works Newsletter Vol 3, No 31
Kwanzaa edition of the Poetry Works newsletter by Poetess Kalamu Chaché. Includes five poems: "Happy Kwanzaa, to you!" "When I Step onto Afrikan Shores"...
Poster for Raices de Mexico's Dia de los Muertos Performance, 1995
Poster for Raices de Mexico's Dia de los Muertos performance at the Cubberly Community Center Auditorium.
Flyer, Letter, and Program for the 1994 Raices de Mexico's Dia de los Muertos Celebration
Flyer, letter, and program for the 1994 Raices de Mexico's Dia de los Muertos celebration at the Palo Alto Cultural Center. Letter announces event...
Nairobi Day School: Remembering Who We Are - Ravenswood Post
Photos of students at Nairobi Day School celebrating Black History Month by dressing up and learning about figures from Black history.
Bala Ba College Students Performing at the 1986 City Celebration
Photograph of Bala Ba College Students Performing at the 1986 City Celebration
Saree Mading Interview
Interview of Saree Mading by Barbara Noparstak. Topics discussed include growing up in EPA, Juneteenth festivals, Collard Greens festivals, being on the...
City 20th Anniversary Celebrations
Photographs from the 20th City Anniversary celebrations at the City Council Chambers. Featured participants include Ruben Abrica, Barbara Mouton, Patricia...
Cinco de Mayo: Students share Mexican culture - Habari Gani
Article in the Ravenswood High School student newspaper about recent festivities to celebrate Cinco de Mayo organized by the La Raza de Ahora student...
City of EPA 20th Anniversary T-Shirt
T-shirt from the City of EPA 20th Anniversary celebration. Front has the EPA city seal and the reverse has 20th anniversary and a "recycle bottles, cans and...
Black History Events at EPA Library - 1991
Photographs from Black History Month events at EPA Library in 1991. Includes photographs from a performance of students at the Shule Mandela Academy and a...
The EPA Progress, Vol. 2 No. 5
This issue of The EPA Progress celebrates the first birthday of EPA, a visit by the Rainbow Coalition, the Drew Run-for-your-life, honors Ed Becks, and...
Mary Flamer Interview
Interview of Mary Flamer by Meda Okelo. Topics include: moving to East Palo Alto from San Francisco; how she met her husband; finding a home in EPA in 1971;...
Habari Gani Frontpage Featuring La Raza de Ahora Mural
Front page of Habari Gani, the Ravenswood High School newspaper, featuring a photo of La Raza de Ahora painting a mural commemorating Mexican History as a...
Senter Uhilamoelangi Interview
Interview of Senter Uhilamoelangi by Meda Okelo. Topics include: moving to EPA in 1982 to become an assistant pastor at the Tongan Assembly of God Church;...
Luis Vizcardo Interview
Bi-lingual interview of Luis Vizcardo by Meda Okelo. Topics include: born in Lima, Peru; moving to EPA in 1999; attending Canada College to learn English;...
Dr. Cecil Reeves Interview
Interview of Dr. Cecil Reeves by Sharifa Wilson in Atlanta, Georgia. Topics include: his family background and the cultural experiences growing up in Atlanta...
Kalamu Chaché Interview
Interview of Kalamu Chaché by Jesse Norfleet about Nairobi College. Topics include: migrating to EPA in 1966 from NYC; the importance of religious education;...
Donald Smothers Interview
Interview of Donald Smothers by Jesse Norfleet about Nairobi College. Topics include: how Nairobi College started; its concepts, early programs,...
Looking Back - July 1, 1983
Collage of photos from the EPA cityhood celebration and EPA City Council swearing in ceremony held on July 1, 1983. Includes images of performers, city...
City 15th Anniversary Celebrations
Photographs from the 15th EPA city birthday celebrations at Bell Street Park and the EPA Community Room. Featured participants include RB Jones, Roy Adger,...
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