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non profits
Ruben Avelar Collection
Artifacts donated by Ruben Avelar, an East Palo Alto resident and founder of the Raices de Mexico...
Wear Your Pride Clothing Collection
T-shirts, sweatshirts, and other apparel items created by the City of East Palo Alto and local no...
East Palo Alto General Plans
A collection of EPA City General Plans. A general plan includes the following elements: land use,...
Early Townships Timeline Collection (1850-1935)
Selections from the collection related to the early townships of Ravenswood, Runnymede, and the C...
Nairobi Movement Timeline Collection (1960-1979)
Selections from the collection related to the social, cultural, and political activism of the Nai...
Barbara Noparstak Collection
Artifacts donated by devoted East Palo Alto community member Barbara Noparstak.
The Ohlone Nation Timeline Collection (1000BC-present)
Selections from the collection related to the Ohlone Nation; the city of East Palo Alto exists on...
Duane Bay Collection
Artifacts donated by former East Palo Alto mayor and city councilmember Duane Bay. Mr. Bay has be...
Incorporation of East Palo Alto Timeline Collection (1980 - 1994)
Selections from the Archive related to the efforts to incorporate East Palo Alto, including the E...
Community Revitalization Timeline Collection (1995-2010)
Selections from the collection related to community economic development such as the Ravenswood 1...
Sharifa Wilson Collection
Artifacts contributed by East Palo Alto resident, former Mayor, and East Palo Alto Community Arch...
Meda O Okelo Collection
Artifacts contributed by longtime East Palo Alto resident, Meda Okelo, that focus on community ce...
Community Preservation & Transformation Timeline Collection (2011-present)
Selections from the collection related to the effects of gentrification and influx of the tech in...
People of EPA Video Collection
Videos from the #PeopleofEPA documentary video series produced for the EPA Community Archive.
Raices de Mexico Collection
Photographs, programs, and organizational artifacts donated by and related to Raices de Mexico, a...
Barbara Mouton Collection
Artifacts compiled by Barbara Mouton throughout her time as East Palo Alto's Mayor and City Counc...
East Palo Alto City Budget Collection
A collection of East Palo Alto City budget documents and articles about the City's budget.
Dr Syrtiller Kabat Collection
A collection of artifacts donated by educator, activist, and former East Palo Alto resident Dr. S...
Estela Guerrero Collection
A collection of artifacts contributed by East Palo Alto resident and Ravenswood High School Alumn...
Dr Omowale Satterwhite Collection
Artifacts donated by and documenting the long career of Dr. Omowale Satterwhite. Dr. Satterwhite ...
Nairobi College Collection
Artifacts documenting the history, events, and legacy of Nairobi College and the Nairobi Alumni A...
East Palo Alto Library Collection
Photographs and artifacts produced or donated by the East Palo Alto Library, documenting its hist...
William Byron Webster Collection
Artifacts donated by East Palo Alto resident and long-term activist. His collection is eclectic b...
Ravenswood City School District Collection
Artifacts produced by or contributed by the Ravenswood City School District.
Ravenswood High School Collection
Artifacts documenting the history of Ravenswood High School before its closure in 1976. These pho...
The East Palo Alto Progress Collection
Published issues of the local East Palo Alto Progress newspaper.
Post-Depression Period Timeline Collection (1936-1959)
Selections from the collection related to agriculture and farming traditions in East Palo Alto, t...
EPACA Oral History Collection
Oral history interviews conducted by volunteers of the East Palo Alto Community Archive to captur...
Artifacts related to
non profits
What's What in East Palo Alto & Belle Haven - The Non-Profits
Non-Profit community resource directory for East Palo Alto and Belle Haven compiled and published by Jatelo Productions. Includes information about some...
Community Legal Services - Bylaws, Resolutions, Initial Directors, Board Minutes
Email from William Byron Webster to the board members of the recently renamed Community Legal Services in EPA. Includes attachments of August 22, 2002 Board...
NCDI CCI Methodology & Projects
Document about NCDI's Comprehensive Community Initiative (CCI) Methodology. Includes an introduction, the NCDI Theory of Change, NCDI Scope of Work Summary,...
Nonprofit Assistance Center Services List
A collection of documents listing the Nonprofit Assistance Center's (NAC) various services. Includes the following documents, in order: NAC Services to...
Culturally Based Capacity Building Article
Article by Dr. Frank J. Omowale Satterwhite and Shiree Teng titled "Culturally-Based Capacity Building: An Approach to Working in Communities of Color for...
NCDI Training Program Descriptions
A collection of documents describing various training programs held by NCDI. Includes the following documents, in order: Professional Development of...
NCDI Operations Documents
A collection of documents pertaining to NCDI's operations and internal organization. Includes the following documents, in order: Guidelines for Contracting...
NCDI Lessons From the Field
A collection of documents documenting NCDI's lessons from the field. Includes the following documents, in order: Racial Diversity Issues in Nonprofit...
NCDI Toolkits
A collection two toolkits developed and used by NCDI. Includes the following documents, in order: Best Community Building Practices Toolkit (2005), Nonprofit...
CDI/NCDI Client Organizations
A collection of documents listing CDI/NCDI's clients. Includes the following documents, in order: San Francisco Client Organizations 1994-2021, Oakland...
NCDI Client Services
A collection of documents about the services that NCDI provides for clients. Includes the following documents, in order: Program Development and Alignment...
NCDI Culturally-Based Capacity Building
A collection of documents pertaining to NCDI's Culturally-Based Capacity Building approach. Includes the following documents, in order: Definition of...
NCDI Framing Documents
A collection of documents that frame the philosophy and work of NCDI. Includes the following documents, in order: Identity Statement (2005), Theory of Change...
NCDI Building Capacity for Social Change Philosophy and Approach
A collection of documents pertaining to NCDI's Building Capacity for Social Change (BCSC) program framework. Includes the following documents, in order: BCSC...
Legal Clinic Helps Bring Justice to E. Palo Alto - Christian Science Monitor
Article about community development in EPA and the opening of the EPA Community Law Project (EPACLP). Discusses the accomplishments of EPACLP's lawyers and...
Celebration of the Opening of the Stanford Community Law Clinic
Invitation to the reception for the opening of the Stanford Community Law Clinic in EPA. Lists supporters and event details.
Application for EPA Technology Access Point (TAP) Program
Application for EPA's Technology Access Point (TAP) Program, a program of, that provided community members a safe place to access computers and the...
Info Center Director Urges Residents to Maximize Use of the Referral Center - Ravenswood Post
Article about the Community Information Referral and Service Center's work to serve the EPA community. The Community Information Referral and Service Center...
One East Palo Alto T-Shirt
T-shirt for One East Palo Alto (OEPA) with the Hewlett Foundation and the Peninsula Community Foundation funders listed on the back.
2018 Girls to Women Margaret Wright Wellness 5K T-Shirt
T-shirt from the 2018 Girls to Women Margaret Wright Wellness 5K. Reverse lists the event sponsors.
2017 Girls to Women Margaret Wright Wellness 5K T-Shirt
T-shirt from the 2017 Girls to Women Margaret Wright Wellness 5K. Reverse lists the event sponsors.
EPA CAN DO - EPA Can Support a Bank T-Shirt
T-shirt from EPA CAN DO supporting a local bank in EPA. Reverse is blank.
Free at Last Martin Luther King T-Shirt
T-shirt from Free at Last featuring an artist depiction of Martin Luther King. Nothing on reverse.
2014 Girls to Women Margaret Wright Wellness 5K T-Shirt
T-shirt from the 2014 Girls to Women Margaret Wright Wellness 5K. Reverse lists the event sponsors.
2012 Girls to Women Margaret Wright Wellness 5K T-Shirt
T-shirt from the 2012 Girls to Women Margaret Wright Wellness 5K. It became an annual event for the organization. Reverse lists sponsors, including the Four...
Enterprise Foundation T-Shirt
T-shirt from the Enterprise Foundation with artwork and "What ought to be can be, with the will to make it so." Nothing on reverse.
Businesses United in Investing, Lending, and Development T-Shirt
T-shirt for Businesses United in Investing, Lending, and Development (BUILD). Reverse has the full BUILD acronym name and website address.
Keep East Palo Alto Clean Green & Safe T-Shirt
T-shirt from One East Palo Alto (OEPA) from their "Keep East Palo Alto Clean Green & Safe" initiative. Reverse says "Block Clubs Sponsored by: Hewlett...
Pacific Islander Outreach T-Shirt
T-shirt from Pacific Islander Outreach. Back features "got service?" text.
One East Palo Alto Member T-Shirt
T-shirt for Members of 1 East Palo Alto (OEPA) featuring logo graphic on the front. Reverse says "Block Clubs Sponsored by: Hewlett Foundation Neighborhood...
T-shirt from EPA CAN DO with "Housing, Community, & Economic Development" on reverse.
I [Heart] EPA T-Shirt
T-shirt made and distributed by the Community Development Institute (CDI), Leadership Training Academy (LTA), and Empowerment Research! (ER!).
Stanford Lawyer Vol. 20, No. 2 with Feature about the EPA Community Law Project
Issue of Stanford Lawyer with a feature on the Making of a Community Law Project, about the creation of the EPA Community Law Project. Includes photos and...
Plugged In: Making Connections
Informational pamphlet about Plugged In, a community center and after school program for people, especially teens, to learn about computers, web design, and...
Letter from Barbara Mouton in support of David Neely's Proposal for the Juvenile Internship Project at Yale
A letter from Mayor Mouton to Anne Murdaugh at the Initiative for Public Interest Law of Yale in support of David Neely's proposal for the Juvenile...
2019 Girls to Women Margaret Wright Wellness 5K T-Shirt
T-shirt from the 2019 Girls to Women Margaret Wright Wellness 5K. Reverse lists the event sponsors.
One East Palo Alto Neighborhood Improvement Initiative T-Shirt
T-shirt from One East Palo Alto (OEPA) for their Neighborhood Improvement Initiative. Front is blank and the back features the Neighborhood Improvement...
One East Palo Alto Neighborhood Improvement Initiative T-Shirt
T-shirt from One East Palo Alto (OEPA) Neighborhood Improvement Initiative on Technology and Communication. No content on the reverse.
Live in Peace Bless the Block T-Shirt
T-shirt from the Bless the Block event organized by Live in Peace. Reverse side has s description of the Live in Peace Movement in English, Tongan, Spanish,...
Communities Rallying to Help Tonga Recover from Tsunami - San Jose Mercury News
Article about the aid supplies coordinated by EPA's Anamatangi Polynesian Voices to be shipped to Tonga to help those affected by the recent tsunami....
Program for the Grand Opening of the South County Community Health Center and the Community Resource Center
Program for the grand opening of the South County Community Health Center and the Community Resource Center. Includes list of non-profits that will be housed...
Attorneys Fight Rising Number of Predatory Loans - California Bar Journal
Article about predatory lenders in EPA and the work of Shirley Hochhausen and the Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA).
East P.A. celebrates health clinic opening - San Mateo County Times
Article about the grand opening of the South County Community Health Center in East Palo Alto The clinic will also house six non-profits..
Certificates of Recognition for EPACT
Certificates of Recognition awarded to the EPA Council of Tenants (EPACT) for their work to defend the rights of EPA tenants and fight for affordable...
Pamphlet for the Stanford Community Law Clinic
Pamphlet for the Stanford Community Law Clinic listing their services, staff, and programs supporting housing, workers' rights, and government benefits...
One Magazine, Spring 2009
Excerpts from the Spring 2009 issue of One Magazine published by .the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. This issue was included in a packet for Community...
Peninsula Habitat for Humanity Gloria Way Community Housing T-Shirt
T-shirt from Peninsula Habitat for Humanity Gloria Way Community Housing. Features the Habitat for Humanity logo with nothing on the reverse. Volunteers on...
Keep EPA Housed T-Shirt
T-shirt from Youth United for Community Action (YUCA) for Keep EPA Housed. Reverse says "Renter Protection 2 Renter Power." Front features artist depictions...
CLSEPA We Are Expanding! Flyer
Flyer in English and Spanish advertising the new CLSEPA office location on Bay Road. Explains which legal service specializations are offered in which office...
Community Legal Services in EPA Annual Celebration Gala Program
Program for CLSEPA's 10th Annual Celebration Gala. Includes information on honored firms, CLESPA's capital campaign for a new office space, the ceremony, and...
CLSEPA Newsletter - Summer 2010
Newsletter from CLSEPA with updates on a new CLSEPA office space, key supporters, and pro bono cases by the numbers
Community Legal Services in EPA: At Face Value - Spring/Summer 2009
Report and newsletter from CLSEPA with articles on CLSEPA's services, how the Palo Alto Bar Association's Annual Golf Tournament benefitted CLSEPA, and pro...
15th Annual Palo Alto Bar Association's Charity Golf Tournament Thank you Letter
Letter to Elizabeth Jackson thanking her for the contribution to the Palo Alto Bar Association's 15th Annual Charity Golf Tournament.
Benefitting Others - Gentry Magazine
Article about the formation and services offered by Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA).
East Palo Alto to staff 'division of aging' - Palo Alto Daily News
Article about the City creating a Division of Aging to better serve the senior residents and the possibility of the EPA Senior Center being taken over by the...
Second Generation of Legal Service - Street Forum
Article about the EPA Community Law Project closing and the opening of the Stanford Community Law Clinic and Community Law Services of EPA (CLSEPA) to fill...
Law Group Reaches Milestone - San Jose Mercury News
Article about Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA) celebrating one year of legal work in EPA. Includes an overview of the group's fundraising,...
Community Legal Services in EPA Spanish Trifold Pamphlet
Trifold pamphlet in Spanish from Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA) listing FAQs and legal advice services.
Solicitation Letter from Community Legal Services in EPA
Solicitation letter from Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA) with information on the organization's foundation, target populations, key activities,...
Community Legal Services in EPA Trifold Pamphlet
Pamphlet for CLSEPA with an overview of the organization's history and mission. Includes information on staff, leadership, supporters, and the various legal...
CLSEPA Flyer for Juvenile Justice Legal Advice
Flyer advertising a limited number of free legal advisory sessions for juvenile justice from Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA). Flyer was published in...
Community Legal Services in EPA Present Activities & Future Goals
Document listing Community Legal Services in EPA's present activities and goals for the future. Includes a diagram comparing the services and goals of...
Mission Statement and Agenda for First Meeting of Community Legal Services in EPA
Early draft of the mission statement for Community Legal Services in EOA (CLSEPA) and agenda for the first board meeting on July 31, 2002.
Passing the Torch: The Closure of the EPA Community Law Project and the Genesis of Community Legal Services in EPA
A brief document explaining the transition from EPA Community Law Project to Community Legal Services in EPA
EPA Community Law Project Update - December 2001
Newsletter update from the EPA Community Law Project. Includes sections on the organization's 17 years of service to the EPA community, a letter from...
History of Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA)
A brief history of the foundation and achievements of Community Legal Services of EPA (CLSEPA). Written following 11 years of service to the EPA community.
Activist law project serving poor to close - San Jose Mercury News
Article about East Palo Alto Community Law Project, founded by Stanford Law students in 1984, closing its doors. Includes the benefits for law students to...
Champion of the poor to close doors - Palo Alto Weekly
Article about East Palo Alto Community Law Project, founded by Stanford Law students, closing its doors after 18 years. Discusses the organization's...
Pamphlet for The Girls Club of the Mid-Peninsula
Pamphlet for The Girls Club of the Mid-Peninsula with information about the organization's history, board members, and a call for donations. Features...
Maya Angelou Event Benefiting the EPA Teen House
Photographs from an event with Maya Angelou at the Hyatt benefiting the EPA Teen House.
Roots of a Culture - Palo Alto Weekly
Article about Raices de Mexico celebrating 20 years of dance, performance, and education. Includes interviews with Ruben Avelar and Maria Elena Varela and...
Celebrating Mexican Heritage - Palo Alto Weekly
Non profit profile of Raices de Mexico's history, classes, performances, and community impact. Lists the board of directors members and sources of group...
Promotional Photographs of Raices de Mexico at Stanford
Promotional photographs of Raices de Mexico dancers taken in the gardens at Stanford in 1999.
Promotional Photos of Raices de Mexico 1999
Promotional photos of Raices de Mexico dancers in costume. Taken in 1999.
Raices de Mexico Needs Assessment & Operational Plans
Needs assessment & operational plans for Raices de Mexico, funding via a grant from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. Includes: assessment, mission &...
Civic Cultural Commission Funding Application from Raices de Mexico
Application for Raices de Mexico to receive funding from the Redwood City Civic Cultural Commission. Includes sections with a project description,...
Flyer for the EPA Senior Center Elegant Tea Party
Flyer advertising the female-only Elegant Tea Party benefitting the EPA Senior Center.
Girls Club of the Mid-Peninsula Donation Flyer
Flyer soliciting donations to the Girls Club of the Mid-Peninsula. Features photos of Girls Club and donation information.
Free at Last 2016-17 Annual Report
Annual report for Free at Last's Community Recovery and Rehabilitation Services. Includes a message from Board Chair Vicki Smothers, metrics of individuals...
Pamphlet and Info Packet for Community Legal Services in EPA
Pamphlet and info packet for Community Legal Services in EPA on the occasion of a 2009 fundraiser at the Four Seasons Hotel of Silicon Valley. Includes...
Curtain May Drop Soon on Dance Studio - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about Raices de Mexico losing access to their rehearsal space at Ravenswood High School. Includes interviews with Elisia Guerrero, Maria Elena...
EPA Dance Troupe Loses Home - San Mateo County Times
Article about Raices de Mexico losing access to their free rehearsal studio at Ravenswood High School and having to find the funds to use a space at Cubberly...
Raices de Mexico 1996 Publicity Photographs
Promotional photographs of adult Raices de Mexico dancers taken during a photo shoot at Cubberly Community Center.
Papers Related to the Arts Council of San Mateo County 1991 Awards
Raices de Mexico nomination form, awards program announcement letter, congratulatory award recipient selection letter, and invitations to an awards luncheon...
Raices de Mexico Directors and Officers, June 1993
List of directors, officers, and board members for Raices de Mexico. Personal addresses redacted for privacy by the EPA Community Archive.
Raices de Mexico, un Esfuerzo Continuo en el Este de Palo Alto - Raíces: Usted y la Cultura
Article about Raices de Mexico's 13 years of Mexican cultural dance programming in East Palo Alto. Includes background on group, interview with Program...
Raices de Mexico Promotional Brochure 1993
Promotional brochure for Raices de Mexico featuring photographs and a call for donations. Brochure is printed in English and Spanish.
Raices de Mexico Promotional Photo Shoot 1993
Photographs from a promotional photo shoot featuring adult and youth dancers in costume.
Letter about Raices de Mexico Receiving the BankAmerica Foundation Community Grant
Letter about Raices de Mexico being awarded the BankAmerica Foundation Community Grant to support their low-income student scholarship program. Includes...
Raices de Mexico Promotional Photo Shoot 1994
Photographs from Raices de Mexico promotional photo shoot. Photos feature adult and youth dancers.
Youth Community Service Summer of Service T-Shirt
T-shirt from the Youth Community Service Summer of Service program. Nothing on reverse.
Raices de Mexico Brochure
Brochure covering the history of Raices de Mexico, including the groups' foundation, 1985 Mexico City earthquake fundraiser, performances at UC Berkeley, SF...
Roots of Mexico' Dances With Youthful Enthusiasm - SF Examiner
Article about Raices de Mexico educating the youth of EPA on Mexican culture and dance styles. Includes quotes from director and founder Ruben Avelar.
Raices de Mexico Repertoire of Dances
Raices de Mexico repertoire of dances and their corresponding region. Includes revised lists from July 1994, February 1996, and 2000 to demonstrate increased...
Raices de Mexico Evaluation of Instructor by Board Form
Form used by Raices de Mexico board members to evaluate instructors. Form is written in English and in Spanish with space for comments.
Raices de Mexico Performance Log - 1986-1997
Log of Raices de Mexico dance troupe performances from 1986-1997. Includes location, date of performance, and performance payments (when applicable).
History of Raices de Mexico
Written history of Raices de Mexico covering the group's creation, community contributions, and organizational achievements.
Raices de Mexico Organizational Chronology
Organizational chronology for the Raices de Mexico dance troupe. Covers the creation, notable performances, grants and donations, and achievements of Raices...
Raices de Mexico Chronology of Activities
Performances, donations, and organizational achievements by Raices de Mexico organized in chronological order. Covers organization creation in 1980 through...
Flyer and Donation Letters Related to a Mexico Earthquake Relief Fundraising Event Organized by Raices de Mexico
Flyer and donation letters related to a Mexico Earthquake Relief fundraising event organized by Raices de Mexico at Stanford University. Performers included...
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