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incorporation 1980 & after
incorporation 1980 & after
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Collections related to
incorporation 1980 & after
Ruben Avelar Collection
Artifacts donated by Ruben Avelar, an East Palo Alto resident and founder of the Raices de Mexico...
Wear Your Pride Clothing Collection
T-shirts, sweatshirts, and other apparel items created by the City of East Palo Alto and local no...
East Palo Alto General Plans
A collection of EPA City General Plans. A general plan includes the following elements: land use,...
Early Townships Timeline Collection (1850-1935)
Selections from the collection related to the early townships of Ravenswood, Runnymede, and the C...
Nairobi Movement Timeline Collection (1960-1979)
Selections from the collection related to the social, cultural, and political activism of the Nai...
Barbara Noparstak Collection
Artifacts donated by devoted East Palo Alto community member Barbara Noparstak.
The Ohlone Nation Timeline Collection (1000BC-present)
Selections from the collection related to the Ohlone Nation; the city of East Palo Alto exists on...
Duane Bay Collection
Artifacts donated by former East Palo Alto mayor and city councilmember Duane Bay. Mr. Bay has be...
Incorporation of East Palo Alto Timeline Collection (1980 - 1994)
Selections from the Archive related to the efforts to incorporate East Palo Alto, including the E...
Community Revitalization Timeline Collection (1995-2010)
Selections from the collection related to community economic development such as the Ravenswood 1...
Sharifa Wilson Collection
Artifacts contributed by East Palo Alto resident, former Mayor, and East Palo Alto Community Arch...
Meda O Okelo Collection
Artifacts contributed by longtime East Palo Alto resident, Meda Okelo, that focus on community ce...
Community Preservation & Transformation Timeline Collection (2011-present)
Selections from the collection related to the effects of gentrification and influx of the tech in...
People of EPA Video Collection
Videos from the #PeopleofEPA documentary video series produced for the EPA Community Archive.
Raices de Mexico Collection
Photographs, programs, and organizational artifacts donated by and related to Raices de Mexico, a...
Barbara Mouton Collection
Artifacts compiled by Barbara Mouton throughout her time as East Palo Alto's Mayor and City Counc...
East Palo Alto City Budget Collection
A collection of East Palo Alto City budget documents and articles about the City's budget.
Dr Syrtiller Kabat Collection
A collection of artifacts donated by educator, activist, and former East Palo Alto resident Dr. S...
Estela Guerrero Collection
A collection of artifacts contributed by East Palo Alto resident and Ravenswood High School Alumn...
Dr Omowale Satterwhite Collection
Artifacts donated by and documenting the long career of Dr. Omowale Satterwhite. Dr. Satterwhite ...
Nairobi College Collection
Artifacts documenting the history, events, and legacy of Nairobi College and the Nairobi Alumni A...
East Palo Alto Library Collection
Photographs and artifacts produced or donated by the East Palo Alto Library, documenting its hist...
William Byron Webster Collection
Artifacts donated by East Palo Alto resident and long-term activist. His collection is eclectic b...
Ravenswood City School District Collection
Artifacts produced by or contributed by the Ravenswood City School District.
Ravenswood High School Collection
Artifacts documenting the history of Ravenswood High School before its closure in 1976. These pho...
The East Palo Alto Progress Collection
Published issues of the local East Palo Alto Progress newspaper.
Post-Depression Period Timeline Collection (1936-1959)
Selections from the collection related to agriculture and farming traditions in East Palo Alto, t...
EPACA Oral History Collection
Oral history interviews conducted by volunteers of the East Palo Alto Community Archive to captur...
Artifacts related to
incorporation 1980 & after
Opponents Challenge EPA Cityhood - Stanford Daily
Stanford Daily article on opposition to EPA cityhood
Court Ruling Halts East Palo Alto Incorporation Vote
Stanford Daily article on incorporation.
Students Lobby for EPA Cityhood - Stanford Daily
Stanford Daily article on student involvement in incorporation campaign
Outsiders Decided East Palo Alto's Fate - San Jose Mercury News
Article about the rejection of Proposition C and the non-EPA residents who rejected the dissolution of the EPA Sanitary District..
East Palo Alto's Decision on Cityhood Draws Near - San Jose Mercury News
Article about the upcoming April 1982 election for incorporation of EPA. Includes interviews with incorporation opposer Arn Cenedella, incorporation...
Election Date Set for June - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors unanimously voting to set a June 7 date for a special election on the incorporation of East Palo Alto.
Mexican-American Harassed by CCAIN - unknown publication
Article (from unknown publication) about an Mexican-American EPA resident being bribed, intimidated, and harassed by members of the Citizens Coalition...
Article or Speech about cCAIN
Article or speech written by Barbara Mouton about cCAIN's anti-incorporation actions in EPA.
LAFCo Certificate of Completion for the Incorporation of East Palo Alto and the Dissolution of Service Area No. 5 and the Ravenswood Recreation & Park District
LAFCo Certificate of Completion for the Incorporation of East Palo Alto and the Dissolution of Service Area No. 5 and the Ravenswood Recreation & Park...
Project Report: East Palo Alto Incorporation Analysis
An analysis of the East Palo Alto Incorporation. Sections include background information on EPA's incorporation efforts starting with the Kaiser Foundation...
Flyer for the Black Liberation Convocation at Stanford University
Flyer for the Black Liberation Convocation at Stanford University, featuring a day on "Building unity, self-reliance, and self-determination" with speakers...
A second, stronger try - Peninsula Times Tribune
Editorial on the upcoming LAFCo meetings and LAFCo's subsequent recommendations to Supervisors on the incorporation of EPA. In favor or LAFCo ordering...
KCBS Editorial 'Birth of a City" and Endorsement of Incorporation
KCBS editorial "Birth of a City" and endorsement of incorporation. Lists broadcast times for the announcement, gives context to the ongoing incorporation...
Letter from Supervisor Ward to the Residents West of Bayshore and North of Euclid about LAFCo Hearings
Letter from Supervisor John Ward to the residents of EPA located west of Bayshore and north of Euclid about upcoming LAFCo hearings about placing their area...
Letter from San Mateo County Clerk Minerva Takis to Angus McDonald
Letter from San Mateo County Clerk Minerva Takis to Angus McDonald with an update that the San Mateo Board of Supervisors approved McDonald's recommendations...
Petition to Include North of Euclid, West of Bayshore in Proposed Reorganization of East Palo Alto
Petition from County Clerk Marvin Church to Supervisor Arlen Gregorio to include the North of Euclid and West of Bayshore area in the proposed reorganization...
San Mateo County Board of Supervisors - Transcript of Discussion of East Palo Alto
A full transcript of the discussion of East Palo Alto at a San Mateo County Board of Supervisors meeting. Distributed by Supervisor John Ward so that "you...
LAFCo Memo on Preliminary Work Program
LAFCo memo from Executive Director B. Sherman Coffman about the East Palo Alto area the Preliminary Work Program. Gives three options for the EPA area, the...
LAFCo Meeting Agenda - June 16, 1982
LAFCO meeting agenda with continued matters related to the preliminary work program for a sphere of influence study for East Palo Alto, Menlo Parker, and...
Agenda for LAFCo Special Meeting - May 17, 1982
Agenda for LAFCO special meeting and executive session at the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors' Chambers. Topics covered include the consideration of...
Various Anti-Incorporation Materials from the April 1982 Election
Anti-incorporation materials from the April 1982 election. Includes a statement from the Concerned Citizens for a Responsible Incorporation, a portion of a...
Statement of Result of Votes Cast - Special East Palo Alto Reorganization Election
Breakdown of votes cast by location, proposition, and candidate. Includes totals and absentee totals by proposition and candidate.
Letter to the Editor of the Peninsula Times Tribune about Incorporation
Letter to the editor of the Peninsula Times Tribune about the support of incorporation within EPA and the organizations who oppose incorporation. Discusses...
Alternative D
Explains the process for voters to approve the governmental organization of EPA (excluding the area North of Euclid Avenue) and the conditions the...
A Barrier to East Palo Alto's Cityhood Falls - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about LAFCo denying the East Palo Alto Sanitary District's request to be excluded from the proposed reorganization.
The Petition to Incorporate East Palo Alto, California - Guest Editorial for the San Jose Mercury News
The Petition to Incorporate East Palo Alto, California. Guest editorial submitted by EPACCI to the San Jose Mercury News on December 17, 1981. Includes...
Resolution No. 640, Resolution of LAFCo Determining and Approving the Proposed Reorganization of Unincorporated Territory in the Area of East Palo Alto
Resolution No. 640 a resolution of LAFCo determining and approving the proposed reorganization of the unincorporated territory in the area of EPA. Includes...
Agenda for LAFCo Special Meeting on the Proposed Reorganization of Unincorporated Territory Known as East Palo Alto
Agenda for a LAFCo special meeting on the proposed reorganization of the unincorporated territory known as East Palo Alto.
Legal opinion from CA Legislative Council to Assemblyman Byron Sher regarding LAFCo Petition for Reorganization
Legal opinion from Deputy Legislative Counsel John Moger to Assemblyman Byron Sher regarding a LAFCo Petition for Reorganization with facts, questions and...
Letter from Pete McCloskey to Tom Spieker about East Palo Alto Political Organization
Letter from Pete McCloskey to Tom Spieker with political advice and opinions on recall action.
The Spirit of Cityhood - Times Tribune
Letter to the Times Tribune by Joyce King Reeves about how becoming an incorporated city has changed the spirit of the city to be more civically active.
A City Celebrates - Peninsula Times Tribune
Image of EPA residents celebrating the CA State Supreme Court ruling to uphold incorporation.
Boston blacks face opposition to their plan to form separate city: They import officials from California model to plead their cause
Article about the Mandela community in Boston and how they were looking to EPA's incorporation model for inspiration. EPA city officials were invited to...
Comments on the New City of East Palo Alto from Elmo Malveaux
Statement from Elmo Malveaux on the new city of EPA and the unfair nature of EPA contributing to the local economy but not being treated as equal.
E. Palo Altans Still Optimistic Despite Gloomy Report - Times Tribune
Article about the city's response to a financial study on EPA's ability to become a self-sustaining city. Includes opportunistic outlook and plans by Kenneth...
Incorporation Application Process
Document that highlights the five steps to apply for city incorporation. Includes step-by-step flow chart.
Top planner's top plan: save East Palo Alto - SF Examiner
Article about the new chairman of the San Mateo County Planning Commission, Omowale Satterwhite, and his plan to incorporate EPA.
EPA State of the City Report
Staff Report from EPA City Manager Frederic A. Howell to the EPA City Council containing the 1984 State of the City Report. Includes sections on general...
Offer from the County of San Mateo to Transfer Title to the Parcel to the City of EPA
This EPA City Council staff report discusses the offer from the County of San Mateo to transfer title of a 100 foot by 100 foot parcel of land located at the...
Speech by Barbara Mouton to San Mateo LAFCO
Typed speech orated by Barbara Mouton, representing EPACCI, to the San Mateo LAFCO about the evidence supporting incorporation of EPA.
East Palo Alto Community Plan and Environmental Impact Report Hearing Draft
East Palo Alto Community Plan and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Hearing Draft. Prepared by the San Mateo County Department of Environment Management,...
Flyer to Elect Barbara Mouton to the East Palo Alto City Council with Cover Letter
Flyer to elect Barbara Mouton to the EPA City Council. Includes letter from Mrs. Mouton with campaign promises and encouraging a yes vote on incorporation.
East Palo Alto Incorporation Bid Loses by 41 Votes - San Francisco Chronicle
Article about voters approving three of the four incorporation ballot measures. All four were required for incorporation to pass.
Statement in favor of incorporation by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People So. San Mateo County Branch
Statement supporting EPA's incorporation election from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People So. San Mateo County Branch. Includes...
Racism Charges Cloud Vote on Coast - New York Times
Article about the vote margin, investigations into voter fraud, and finance issues following the 1983 incorporation election in EPA. Includes a photo of...
Another Group Enters the Debate, This One Against Incorporation - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the formation of the Concerned Citizens for Responsible Incorporation (CCRI) to urge EPA voters to vote down the incorporation ballot measures.
Cityhood Election is Off - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about B. Sherman Coffman, executive officer of the San Mateo County LAFCo deciding not to file critical paperwork to keep the incorporation election...
LAFCo Certificate of Filing for the incorporation of East Palo Alto
Signed certificate of filing from the San Mateo LAFCo for East Palo Alto's incorporation. Includes date of hearing and acknowledgement that the application...
The Nairobi Voice, Vol. 3 No. 1
This issue of the Nairobi Voice focuses on the incorporation of East Palo Alto.
Invitation to Celebration of CA Supreme Court Affirmation of East Palo Alto's Incorporation
Envelope and printed invitation to a celebration of "the unanimous decision of the State Supreme Court affirming the existence of our city as a legal...
The EPA Progress, Vol. 1 No. 1
The first issue of The EPA Progress covers the impacts of cityhood and incorporation on local community, renters rights, a property tax refund, and part 1 of...
The EPA Progress, Vol. 1 No. 2
An issue of the EPA Progress that covers the June 1983 election, tenant harassment claims, the impact of city hood on chamber of commerce endorsements, the...
The Incorporator, Vol. 1 No. 1
An issue of The Incorporator about voting for cityhood and the incorporation of EPA
Argument in Favor of Proposition A
Argument for the April 15, 1982 sample ballot in favor of Proposition A: the incorporation of East Palo Alto. Proposition A helps to establish the new city...
Argument in Favor of Proposition B
Final draft argument for the April 15, 1982 sample ballot in favor of Proposition B: the dissolution of East Palo Alto Water Works District as a part of the...
Argument in Favor of Proposition C
Final draft argument for the April 15, 1982 sample ballot in favor of Proposition C: the dissolution of East Palo Alto Sanitary District as part of the...
Argument in Favor of Proposition D
Final draft argument for the April 15, 1982 sample ballot in favor of Proposition D: the dissolution of county service area No. 5 and Ravenswood Recreation...
Election Statistics from April 13, 1982 East Palo Alto Incorporation Election
Election statistics from April 13, 1982 East Palo Alto incorporation election. Includes attached sheets with summaries of proposition votes by precinct,...
Wilks Speaks Out - unknown publication
Article (from an unknown publication) about Gertrude Wilks' outspoken nature about incorporation. Mentions that she is leading the suit against the EPA City...
Letter from Barbara Mouton to Supervisor Jacqueline Speier
Letter from Barbara Mouton to San Mateo County Supervisor Jacqueline Speier with context about the distinction between the EPA Municipal Council and EPACCI...
New Vote Challenge in E. Palo Alto Lawsuit - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about a lawsuit that CCAIN brought against the EPA incorporation election in the San Mateo County Superior Court. CCAIN wanted the hand-delivered...
Time for Reconciliation - Peninsula Times Tribune
Editorial about Judge John Cruikshank declaring that the EPA incorporation election result should stand and that the election had been run properly....
Setback won't halt E. Palo Alto - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about how the 1st Appellate District Court of San Francisco's decision that 106 ballots from the incorporation election were of questionable validity...
An Unquestioned City At Last - San Jose Mercury News
Editorial about the CA Supreme Court unanimously upholding the incorporation of EPA.
It's Adams vs. McCloskey With an Entire City at Stake - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the CA Supreme Court deciding to rule on an Appeals Court ruling about EPA's incorporation election.
McCloskey Memo Irks E. Palo Altans - San Jose Mercury News
Article on Pete McCloskey offering secret recall advice to Tom Spieker.
East Palo Alto incorporation opponents ask higher court to overturn judge's ruling - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about opponents of EPA's incorporation appealing to the state First Appellate District in San Francisco.
Ruling will be appealed - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about a group of EPA voters coming together to challenge the recent incorporation vote claiming voter fraud. Mentions legal representation by Pete...
McCloskey predicts he'll win appeal - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about Pete McCloskey predicting he'll win his appeal efforts. Reviews the San Mateo Superior Court case, McCloskey's attempts to play a secretly...
Who was unethical? - Peninsula Times Tribune
Letter to the editor submitted by Eulesly Reese, Gertrude Wilks, and Julia Harvey to the Peninsula Times Tribune containing a response to an earlier...
East Palo Alto beats election challenge - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about San Mateo County Superior Court Judge John Cruikshank ruling that EPA's incorporation election was legal.
Judge bans secret recording - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the judge in the EPA incorporation trial, SMC Superior Court Judge John Cruikshank, refusing to introduce as evidence secretly recorded...
City Celebrates Court Ruling - San Francisco Examiner
Article about the CA Supreme Court ruling in favor of EPA's incorporation. Focuses on Carmeleit Oakes who spearheaded incorporation efforts for over 10 years.
McCloskey: The Only Way for Attaining Self-Respect - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about Representative Pete McCloskey's position to support EPA's incorporation. Mentions McCloskey's presence at EPACCI's luncheon and his response to...
Flyer for the April 1982 Incorporation Election
Flyer produced and distributed by EPACCI for the April 1982 incorporation election. Encourages voters to support all four incorporation propositions. Reverse...
Voter Statistics for the April 1982 East Palo Alto Incorporation Election
Voter statistics for the April 1982 EPA incorporation election. Breakdown of registered voters, votes cast, and percent cast for measures A, B, C, and D.
Business Card Supporting the Incorporation Election
Business card distributed by EPACCI supporting the incorporation election and four city council candidates: Ruben Abrica, James Blakey, Barbara Mouton, and...
"It's a Real Deal" Pamphlet to Vote Yes on Proposition A
"It's a Real Deal" pamphlet made and distributed by EPACCI that encouraged voters to "Vote Yes on Proposition A" and "Vote Yes for the new city of East Palo...
"Vote Yes Today" Incorporation Poster
Poster urging EPA residents to "Vote Yes Today" in reference to incorporation elections.
Pro and Con: Should East Palo Alto Become a City? - Peninsula Times Tribune
Comment section with opposing articles for and against incorporation. "Community is fully capable of ruling itself" written by Omowale Satterwhite of EPACCI...
Supreme Court Near Decision on Cityhood - East Palo Alto Progress
Article from local newspaper The East Palo Alto Progress about the ongoing legal battle over EPA's incorporation. Includes a brief review of the legal battle...
High Court Upholds Cityhood - Palo Alto Times Tribune
Article about the US Supreme Court deciding not to hear the case of EPA's incorporation, ending the litigation battle that followed the 1983 cityhood...
E. Palo Alto Cityhood Upheld - San Francisco Examiner
Article about the US Supreme Court upholding the 1983 cityhood incorporation election for EPA. Includes an interview with Barbara Mouton.
East Palo Alto cityhood election legal - San Francisco Examiner
Article about San Mateo County Superior Court Judge John Cruikshank ruling that the EPA incorporation election was legal with no evidence of fraud.
East P.A. May Remain a City, Court Says - San Jose Mercury News
Article about the California Supreme Court unanimously ruling that EPA may remain an incorporated city. Continuation of article not included.
East Palo Alto's Journey Toward Cityhood - Peninsula Times Tribune
Timeline of EPA's journey to self-governance. Begins in February 1931 with the East Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce proposing incorporation to remain...
McCloskey Urges East PA Vote Delay - The Stanford Daily
Front page article on Pete McCloskey's efforts to delay incorporation vote to 1984.
Political Independence and the Struggle to Adopt and Protect the First Rent Stabilization and Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance...
Description of the 1984 campaign for rent control, including the years 1981-1984 leading up to it.
East Palo Alto: A Community Divided
Article published in winter 1982-83 issue of Stanford Environmental Law Annual. This paper examines the current debate in East Palo Alto over whether...
Letter from Robert Alexander to LAFCo
Letter from Robert Alexander to LAFCo with questions and concerns following the January 1983 board meetings consultant's (Angus McDonald) report, and...
Transcript of Angus McDonald's Report to LAFCo on January 12, 1983
Full transcript of Angus McDonald's report to LAFCo. Sent to the LAFCo members by Executive Officer B. Sherman Coffman. Introduction letter discusses funding...
Financial Expert Offers His View of Incorporation - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about the conclusions offered by financial expert Angus McDonald in his report on the financial feasibility on incorporation.
LAFCo Proposed Amendment of the Sphere of Influence Designation and Proposed Reorganization of East Palo Alto
File. No. 82-21, the proposed amendment to the sphere of influence designation and proposed reorganization of East Palo Alto. Send by Executive Office B....
Cityhood for East Palo Alto - San Jose Mercury News
Editorial about EPA's incorporation ballot measure and how annexation to Menlo Park is the more "economically viable" option between the two. Calls EPA a...
East Palo Alto is Ready to Become Its Own City - Peninsula Times Tribune
Editorial about the journey to the vote for incorporation in EPA including what is on the ballot.
Letter to the Menlo Park City Council from the West of Bayshore Renters and Homeowners Association
Letter to the Menlo Park City Council from the West of Bayshore Renters and Homeowners Association. Discusses the area North of Euclid that was excluded from...
"Know the Facts" Poster to Incorporate East Palo Alto
"Know the Facts" poster to incorporate East Palo Alto. Mentions Menlo Park's support of EPA's incorporation efforts. Lists steps on what citizens can do to...
Memo from B. Sherman Coffman about the Reconsideration of Sphere of Influence designation for Menlo Park/East Palo Alto
Memo from B. Sherman Coffman to the San Mateo LAFCo about the Reconsideration of Sphere of Influence designation for Menlo Park/East Palo Alto. Includes list...
Memo from Angus McDonald about the Consolidation of East Palo Alto Sanitary District to the West Bay Sanitary District
Memo from Angus McDonald to San Mateo County LAFCo about the Consolidation of East Palo Alto Sanitary District to the West Bay Sanitary District, part of...
Memo from Assistant County Manager to LAFCo about the East Palo Alto Sphere of Influence
Memo from Assistant County Manager Jay Gellert to LAFCo about the East Palo Alto Sphere of Influence. The memo outlines the county staff analysis of the EPA...
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