Oral History

Mrs. Millicent Grant

Joanne Stevenson, Myrtle Walker, Ruben Abrica, Omowale Satterwhite, Albert Pardini, Jerry Groomes, Isaac Stevenson, Dr. Charlie Mae Knight, Rose Jacobs Gibson, Norris Brothers, Sharifa Wilson, Mrs. Millicent Grant
Date of Creation or Publication:
Meda Okelo
Millicent Grant
Copyright Statement:
Interview of Mrs. Millicent Grant by Meda Okelo. Topics include: Leaving Guyana in 1969 for the Hamilton Army Airfield Base and ending up in EPA in 1973; buying a home in the Gardens; having a banking career at First National Bank of San Jose; East Palo Alto in 1992; her involvement with the schools; notable people; what makes EPA unique; her vision for EPA in 50 years; and becoming the Director of the EPA Senior Center.

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