William Piazza, Sapone Market, Ravenswood Grammar School, Mr. Fazio, City Dump, Mr. Applebee, Cooley Market, Kavanaugh House, Ravenswood Elementary School, Jack Farrell, Palo Alto Mutual Water Company, Don Harper, Jack Farrell Park, Ed Newell, Cooley Landing
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Tour of EPA with William Piazza and Sharifa Wilson. William Piazza reminisced about each of the following stops on the tour: Kavanaugh House where there was a Catholic Church; Oakwood Market (originally Buy & Save Market on the West Side); site of original Ravenswood Grammar School; former Ravenswood Elementary School site; former cafeteria site of school (currently the RCSD board room); Palo Alto Mutual Water Company; Sapone Market site; Cooley Market across the street from his house; Jack Farrell Park; and Cooley Landing (formerly the city dump).