Oral History

Morris Shintaku Interview

Jerome Williams, Sam Floyd, Gary Finley, Eddie Henderson, Nairobi Shopping Center, Tony Windom, "Killer" Murphy, Morris Shintaku, Eastside Nursery
Date of Creation or Publication:
Meda Okelo
Morris Shintaku
Copyright Statement:
Interview of Morris Shintaku by Meda Okelo. Topics include: moving to EPA in early 1950’s after WWII because Japanese-Americans could live there; the diverse community; father working at East Side Nursery; attending Kavanaugh School and Green Oaks Junior High; diversity at school; culture shock being bussed to Carlmont High School; advantages of growing up in a minority community; friends he grew up with; changes in the community while attending College of San Mateo and San Jose State; why parents stayed in EPA; not getting involved in incorporation; memories like going to junk yards and playing at Bell Street Recreational Center, Whiskey Gulch businesses; childhood friends; vision for the future; and why he has kept the family EPA property.

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